
Online Courses in are Sales Success

Quality education accessible to all, without geographical barriers, without restricted schedules, without high costs, that is the purpose of the Distance Education, the reason why online courses are the choice of more and more people that are looking for a learning method that can fit into their routine.

Online Courses: Quality Education Accessible to All

Believing that education should be available to everyone, the has been created, and now, two years after its initial planning, it establishes as a complete platform for the hosting of online courses, attending customers and users of 554 cities in 60 countries.

With 1587 schools registered and 4774 active students, is proud to serve as a means to that knowledge in several areas is transmitted and accessed by people located anywhere on the globe.

Through an intuitive interface, pleasant and easy to navigate, our user base increases each day and we are constantly receiving feedback that help us to improve more and more.

Next to the launch one more important update in the system, which will bring new resources requested by our customers, we decided to show some of the schools that are successful in our online courses platform. 


Web Development courses for beginners and professionals.


Online lessons that teach how to play musical instruments, and other matters of musical knowledge.


Lessons with a focus on digital tools, as how to manage sites, making presentations and use Google for marketing.


Lessons with various topics related to innovation in schools and businesses, such as content creation, new methodologies for classroom, among others.


Patchwork courses (hand sewing). Several lessons that teach how to prepare different products for decoration and home utilities.

And these are just some of the online courses that hosts. To meet others that are featured and learn more about how our platform works, visit our website.

The is free and has all the resources necessary to create and sell online courses, offering the best teaching experience for instructors and students.  

Visit our website, register your course and start profiting right now doing what you like the most.