
Start your own business: tips to new entrepreneurs 

To start your own business is probably an idea that already crossed your mind. Whether it was because you had an innovative idea or simply to own your time, this is a common will that justifies why the number of new entrepreneurs continues to grow.

When starting your own business, keep in mind …

The pandemic that took over the world in early 2020, leaving many people unemployed or with low income, was undoubtedly another driving factor for the countless new businesses that have emerged out there.

How the pandemic changed education

With the rules of social distance, the internet was and continues to be vital for the survival of countless companies and professionals, and served as a way for hundreds of people to keep making money.

The access to technology and ease of selling products and services online, such as eLearning courses, certainly opens up a range of possibilities for you to start your own business, but the truth is that entrepreneurship is still a path full of mishaps and challenges.

However, with good planning, a lot of dedication and passion for what you do, the results, in addition to being rewarding, can be much better than expected.

Here are six tips that we have separated for you to read before start your own business:

1 – Do what you love: passion for what you do is the first secret of success. After all, if you are going to do something you don’t like, any job out there will do. Making a company / product work requires time, and it can often be very frustrating and disheartening. At these times, what will continue to push you forward is the love for what you have chosen to do, and only by persisting you can achieve success.

2 – Know your area: the Internet is there, use it. Study everything related to your business, hold workshops, talk to experts on the subject, master the area in which you intend to act. You will not be able to convince anyone of your idea if you do not know how to explain it in a clear, simple and direct way.

3 – Plan: sit down and put in a document a step by step to follow to get your business off the ground. This is the time to think and calculate costs, risks and benefits. Time to find out what is feasible, what can pay off, and what might be best not to try at first. Good planning is what will keep you in line and your business moving.

4 – Be rational: use logic to invest in what is possible to do. Don’t take a step bigger than your leg trying to embrace the world. Plan the best location, approach, method, technique, before putting effort, time and money into something.

5 – To err is human: do not be discouraged in the face of mistakes and failures, they are part of every experience and serve to teach you the best way forward. Accept, learn, correct and move on.

6 – Changing does not mean failing or giving up: along the way that idea that seemed so brilliant before may not be effective. Let go. The good entrepreneur knows the time to change the course of the boat. Making changes can be essential, don’t be afraid.

Leaving the comfort zone and risking something new can be hard work, but it certainly has a special flavor of victory, in addition to results that can change your life once and for all. Take a deep breath and start your own business!

How to set up an online business

Why teach?

After decades of standardized and indisputable methods, the education we know is finally undergoing a necessary revolution.

The molds, concepts and possibilities have changed and there is no better time for those who always dreamed of teaching or for you to start thinking about the idea with different eyes.

Teacher’s moment

Never before in the history of education has it been possible to teach thousands of people at once. Knowledge was passed on to the number of students who could fit in the classroom.

Never before has it been possible to have easy access to so many masters and types of knowledge. And, most extraordinarily, never before has a teacher really had the chance to earn big money as a teacher.

The main reason for this change, we all know, was the invention of the Internet. Breaking down geographical barriers, it has enabled knowledge to travel the world, making it much easier to access. But, how exactly does this improve the teacher’s life?

Technology, students and online education

Parallel professions 

Regardless of the profession we practice, we are all capable of teaching something to someone else. 

Passing on information, teaching, is part of the human being’s routine and instinct, and maybe that’s why it is a real delight. It is a pleasure to talk about something we have mastery over. 

You can pursue any career and use some overtime to record a video, write a text and teach what you know. Then just put it on the Internet and start your own business.


Many people who have already had the dream of teaching have abandoned this purpose for a career that would guarantee a better income and a more comfortable life. However, with the possibility of teaching thousands of people at the same time, from the comfort of our own homes, this reality has changed. 

Students want to have the best teachers, everyone wants to learn from the subject matter expert. So if you are good at what you do, people will pay to learn from you.

Another advantage is that you only need to create a course once, and you can continue to profit from its sale indefinitely. And even if you want to sell at a lower cost than you would charge for a face-to-face class, it doesn’t matter, because the profit from something that can be marketed to an undetermined number of people will always be higher.

Practical guide for creating and selling online courses


There is no denying that working for pleasure is an unbeatable advantage. As Confucius would say, “Choose a job that you like, and you won’t have to work a day in your life”.

There are few professions that can boast of the nobility of their purposes with that of the teacher. Teaching, passing on knowledge and watching someone learn, being better at something, becoming something, is rewarding.

For those who exercise this profession daily, in the classroom, there is no doubt that the obstacles are numerous. But, with the facilities brought by online teaching, more people can experience the delight of teaching. 

When setting up your own online course business, you work at your own time, pace and availability, but with the same desire and passion, which are the secret of any successful business.

Start your own business: tips for creating an online course

To start your own business teaching what you love, here are some tips on step by step to develop your own online course.

Define your audience

The first step is to make clear the theme and purpose of your course and who it is intended for.

Find out who your target audience is and start communicating directly with them, in the language they use, and come up with strategies that will catch their attention.

How to create buyer personas?

Divide the content into parts

Segmenting the content facilitates learning for students. Doing so makes the process more dynamic and less tiring and creates a logical sequence to receive knowledge.

It is important to remember that the student will have the possibility to pause the class and go along according to his time availability and assimilation capacity. Dividing the subjects covered in topics makes it easier for the students to organize, study and find out how he is progressing on the course.

Choose the course format

The options are numerous: video lessons, ppt presentations, audio files, texts and even live streams.

The tip here is simple: do a research on how each one works, find out which your audience prefers and what resources you need to run it.

If you still don’t feel ready to appear on video, you can opt for video tutorials with audio and presentations. But if you have no problem displaying your image, go for it and make a quality recording.

–  Learn how to record videos at home

Create a lesson plan

Time to sit down and have a good time planning. You have the knowledge, now you need to define and organize how to pass this on to students in order to facilitate learning and understanding.

It is not as difficult as it seems, just organize a logical sequence of how you will explain the content. To help, show someone close, ask for opinions and, of course, practice a lot.


Create exercises, tests, projects to be developed and even discussion forums. Promote the debate, reasoning, interest and encourage students participation, making them the protagonist of their own learning.

Be available to answer questions. Track your students’ performance and, if necessary, supplement their studies with supporting materials, such as links to related sites and downloadable content.

Choose an eLearning platform

To market your online course you will need an eLearning platform, a software content hosting. This is the solution that offers.

Through our Learning Management System (LMS), you create your online school, personalize your page with a cover image, title, subtitle, logo, domain and integrate with your computer and accounts on Dropbox, Youtube and Vimeo to upload content. The management of enrollments and online payments are also done through the platform.

Whats is a Learning Management System (LMS)

Present in more than 60 countries, is an intuitive and easy to use eLearning platform, being the perfect solution for you to start your own business and guarantee a new source of income. Success depends only on your work.

To know more, visit our website, make a test and take advantage of all the features of our platform to create and sell quality online courses.