
How to increase your Social Media Authority

If you need to promote your brand, you probably are wondered how to increase your social media authority and gain more visibility, right?

After all, today, social networks are powerful channels for building connections and stand out from the competition.

7 Ways to increase your social media authority

Nowadays, companies and professionals often work tirelessly to increase their social media authority.

The goal is to attract more followers, get more clicks, more likes, and create a positive user experience so that they stay around enough to never want to leave.

But what happens when a brand is a person rather than a company? As in the case of the many professionals who create online courses, for example.

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When it’s just you, you need to take a different approach to developing your brand through social media.

Since more than 90% of customers rely on information from people they know when making a buying decision, building personal connections can be the most effective way to build trust and authority with your audience.

The good news is that being your brand, it is much simpler to make personal posts with daily content, which has great acceptance by the audience.

Gather work, commitment and consistency with the seven tips we’ve listed below, and get ready to increase your social media authority.

 1. Create valuable content

If you want to build loyalty and win the trust of your audience, creating relevant and valuable content should be your number one focus.

This is the kind of content that meets the needs and pitfalls of your audience.

Whether it is an infographic, videos, ebook or blog post, everything you create should be targeted to your specific niche.

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Yes, we are talking about social networks, but you will hardly be able to show everything you have to offer in a few characters.

Use the networks as a means of disseminating and presenting all this material by linking to your page where they are hosted.

Thus, you attract qualified traffic to your website, while delivering what you promised.

But before you start, do your research.

Analyze keywords. Identify people. Research the competition (what they’re sharing, what’s working, what’s not).

Only then can you be sure that you are writing to the reader (not to yourself).

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The great news is that all this content can always be reused, you do not need to reinvent the wheel every day.

Get blog articles, newsletter or any other stuff you’ve already done and turn it into quick tips, graphics or even a short video.

If you give your followers the information they want, they will certainly come back for more.

 2. Keep a consistent image

Your image is part of your brand and establishes your identity with the public.

In today’s world, we already know that image sells and is often the only thing to which many people give real attention.

Therefore, in all your social profiles, you must maintain a certain standard, a signature that your audience can soon recognize and associate with you.

Presenting yourself consistently helps you control the perception of your personal brand.

You can damage a flawless reputation if one of your profiles appears with content or images that do not well represent the message you want to convey.

To help you get a sense of how your image is in the market, there are ways to track mention of your name.

Companies often set up alerts for brand terms and search phrases related to products/services.

These alerts give you a notification when someone creates a post that includes your name or other brand terms.

A brief search of your company mentions on Facebook, Twitter and Yelp can yield a gold mine of information regarding your reputation.

Monitor your personal brand and be sure to include alerts for keywords that involve your area of ​​expertise.

Between your alert systems and manual searches on social media, you will not miss opportunities to respond or participate in discussions.

 3. Publish news

As a leader and authority in your area, you want to be at the forefront of everything that is happening.

Stay tuned for the news that appears about your segment and share it with your followers. The fresher the news, the better!

Do not be satisfied to just publish the content, build your credibility, and explain what it is and why it matters.

Still not convinced? Here are three reasons to stay in on current events and share them with your followers:

This will not only give your opinion relevance, but will also help you organically appear in the news feed.

Share your own thoughts and comments and establish your experience.

Do not pass up this opportunity to increase your reach, build momentum and get more engagement.

4. Give as much as you can

To create a memorable brand, you need to give people a reason to remember you.

Developing a relationship, a connection with your audience, so that your followers feel they are seen and valued, greatly helps to increase your social media authority.

One way to do this is to get in touch with each follower, which can be done through direct messages that exist in virtually every social network.

Matt Sweetwood, CEO of beBee, believes that this is a key path to a brand’s growth.

“This personal connection makes customers feel that you care about them and that they are more than just a revenue to you ,” he says.

You are not just trying to sell, you are legitimately asking if there is anything you can do to help them.

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Give some of your time, your advice, and any other resources you have available to help you create connections.

When you start, make it a habit to contact at least one person every day with an offer of help.

5. Share content at the right time

To increase your authority on the hottest social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram, you need a solid posting strategy.

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This starts and ends with the right times to share your content.

You do not want to post about your new data-packed case study if your audience is sleeping.

Or launch a video where you spent hours working and have no one commenting on the next four hours. And worse, they even get to see it, because it has already been lost in the news feed.

A successful post engenders engagement and for that your followers need to be “there”.

The best time for updates varies according to each social network, and although there are several surveys on the subject, the data presented also tend to change from time to time.

So in our opinion, the best thing to do is to be aware of times when your audience is often more interactive.

To help, you can check the data that the social network itself offers (if any), as in the case of Facebook.

Once you understand the habits of your followers, you schedule your updates accordingly and get better results.

6. Connect with other professionals

To build your influence and social media authority, you need to connect with other professionals with interests similar to yours.

Strange as it may seem to connect with potential competitors, know that relationships are everything in the online world.

When you begin to engage with other professionals and interact with their content, the connection grows and they will probably return the gesture.

It is mutually beneficial and exposes both sides to a larger audience.

However, be strategic about who you contact and what you say.

For example, you should not randomly send long requests or DMs, especially if you have not established a previous relationship.

Focus on building honest and positive relationships for both parties, not on numbers.

7. Collaborate and get involved with your audience

Instead of talking to your audience, you need to talk with them. Participate in their conversations and become an active participant.

Do not invest all your time just in creating content, creating social media authority is directly linked to building relationships.

Listen to what your fans, followers and customers are saying about you and your brand.

Once you know what is happening, you can easily insert yourself into these conversations.

Do this by sharing advice or timely information. This will help you become a valuable resource and build bridges.


There are many ways to increase your social media authority, but it all starts and ends with conversations between humans.

Show your audience that you are real and that you care. They need to know that you understand who they are and what they find valuable.

Enjoy the habit that we have to always be with the smartphone at your fingertips and make posts whenever something interesting happens, or even if you just want to share a moment in your work routine.

The public appreciates and relates to more personal publications, and soon you will be attracting audience, in a light and consistent way.

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Of course, do not forget all the tips we gave, mainly about the image and the need to interact and show interest in being useful.

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