
Personal Marketing on the Internet

In a world where the personal relations occur more and more in the virtual plan, to structure a good project of online personal marketing becomes a necessary action to conquer success in the corporative and business world.

The internet became a channel to access the professional and personal life of everybody and is there that companies and professionals search for information and references when it’s time to contracting. Therefore, to work its personal marketing in the online world became essential.

The importance of online personal marketing

In spite of recognizing the importance of the online personal marketing, many find that this must occur in a spontaneous and intuitive way. All good to be spontaneous, after all a personal brand must be genuine to create credibility. However, the part of the “intuitive” could not be more wrong.

Any action that it aims long term results, before everything, needs a good planning. And as any strategy of marketing, in this case it could not be different.

Personal marketing needs planning

Planning is essential. The online marketing is made in several different channels and there is no pointy in create isolated actions in each one. The trick is in creating a synergy between them and for that you need to think up a plan of action. To help, starts answering the following questions:

That part can seem boring, but is essential to know how go on and to start to work with security.

Commitment and interaction

Social nets are the first step that many people and companies give to communicate its presence in the online world. Nowadays, to create a profile in the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn left of being only a way of communicating itself informally to become a very valued and efficient contact channel with the public.

However, it is not enough to create a profile or fanpage, this is only the first phase of the process. The personal marketing is made through an operating and engaged presence in these nets. It is through the interaction with the other users, discussion in groups of subjects related with your area of performance that you firm your presence and show your qualifications.

Taken care with promoting yourself

This is an aspect in which many people usually commit mistakes. Personal marketing is a process accomplished with calm and intelligence, takes time, but the results will be going to turn up solid and genuine

A great mistake is to use the personal marketing as a merchandising machine and to go too far in the self-promotion. The one who does that does not take much time up to losing the credibility and being ignored. The right thing to do is to show your qualifications and accomplishments in a natural way.

To contribute before receiving

Before picking the fruits, you must plant them. That also applies to personal marketing. The best strategy is to create laces, to contribute, to become related. To become a reference, first you have to expose yours ideas, to collaborate with colleagues, to participate of discussions and to supply information. All that produces the credibility and distinction that are the objectives of the personal marketing.

Who only uses the social nets and online channels to ask for indications or to demand recognition many times is seen as opportunist and finishes depreciating the own image.

A good digital positioning can really help your career. To acquire credibility in the virtual world can help you to prospect new business and opportunities, but for that it is important that your strategy of personal marketing is well planned and executed with tenacity.

Coursify is an online platform that helps you putting your content online and it still makes possible to maintained your personal mark, guaranteeing that the good results of your personal marketing keep on being gathered and recognized. Get in touch with us through the email, we will be happy to help you.