
5 Easy Steps to Create a Physical Fitness Online Class and Workbook

Online learning is one of the fastest-growing markets, with a growth projection of $370+ billion by 2026. Plus, it’s not just for school-related topics or young learners – you can design an online class for any industry and make it accessible to everyone interested, regardless of age or schedule.

Furthermore, a well-designed online class is the perfect method to promote your services and set your brand in a position of authority in the niche. 

If you are a personal trainer or a fitness expert looking to share your knowledge, take a look at this simple guide we’ve prepared on how to take your business to the eLearning world. 

How to to Create a Physical Fitness Online Class and Workbook

Creating the perfect online class takes some skills in both design and content planning

If this is your first time, here are a few easy steps to follow to make sure it will be a resounding success.

1. Make it Clear Why Is Your Online Class Better Than the Gym

People who want to get fit and stay that way often have a long-term relationship with the gym and/or a personal trainer. 

So, what would make them choose your physical fitness class over going to their regular gym?

The answer is simple: your course must provide better value in both knowledge and ease of access. 

For instance, an online course is more convenient since users can access the information and workout routines whenever they want to. No need to match the gym hours or wait in line for machines. Plus, it’s more pleasant to do your workout routine in the comfort of your own home.

To attract more members, make sure your class offers customization options and provides the same level of information as a personal trainer would. 

This way, when comparing the hustle and bustle of the gym with the comfort and easy access of having a customizable workout routine at home, more people will opt for your online class.

Add in the evergreen access to resources, from exclusive videos to nutrition guides, and you have a much better offer for also a better price, since you can sell your class to an unlimited number of students.

How to set up a home studio to record videos

2. Provide Real Value

Nowadays, you can find all sorts of free customized workout routines and advice online. So why would people want to pay for your physical fitness online class?

The answer, again, is simple: create more value than what’s available for free.

You can do so by drawing insight from your vast experience as a personal trainer or fitness expert. 

Offer tidbits of information that help your students understand how various workouts work and why, and talk about more in-depth things, like nutrition and the best options for healthy supplements. 

You should also include less-known aspects, such as weight gain from working out (especially true for beginners) or the role of genetics in fitness. You should also mention the impact of exercise order on performance and help members design sessions that help maximize gains and minimize injury risks.

Additionally, it’s important to find ways to engage your students. You can do so by creating meaningful interactions in the comments section, by hosting live Q&As, or by offering personalized pointers.

Also, don’t skimp on aftercare. Offer in-depth details on post-workout routines, recovery tips, nutrition advice, and more.

Lastly, you can bolster value with added bonuses, like an e-book or special meditation sessions designed to help improve focus during workouts. 

All these small steps help keep your online class at the top of every platform as more new members will join in.

Innovative Strategies for Engaging Students

3. Create Top-Notch Content

The content of your physical fitness class must be professional and easy to follow. For this, focus on creating high-quality videos with clear audio and good lighting.

If you want to stand out in front of other similar courses, the production value of each chapter of your online class must be at the highest level.

Firstly, you’ve got to lock down on stellar content that’s both informative and innovative. Keep it rooted in science with current techniques and up-to-date information. 

Also, you need a clean, professional video setup with multiple angles that help demystify complex movements.

Don’t forget about sound quality. While you are performing the exercises, you also want to talk your students through them step-by-step. Therefore, you need crystal-clear audio provided by a good mic that doesn’t pick up background noises.

This helps viewers understand how they should move at home since there’s no face-to-face personal trainer that can help them stay aligned and keep the correct posture.

9 tips to creating professional looking videos

4. Structure Your Online Class

The best way to make sure your class is accessible and easy to understand is to structure it into bite-sized chapters. Here are a few ideas for a basic structure:

Additional Tips and Tricks

The best way to boost the overall value of your online class is to add tips and tricks that will help your students push forward even when things aren’t looking up. 

Here’s where you may want to pay more attention and dedicate new sections in your class:

Overcoming Plateaus and Setbacks 

Let your learners know that progress stalls are normal. Offer problem-solving strategies and mental mojo boosts that help them overcome these phases and move forward with their progress.

Advanced Techniques and Strategies

Ready to jump higher, run faster, lift heavier? This should be a chapter dedicated to those who’ve built a solid foundation and hunger for the next level. Offer tips on special moves and equipment that can take the journey further.

Assessing Progress & Celebrating Successes

Teach your students how to measure advancements, whether it’s inches lost or simply stamina gained. Also, teach them about the importance of celebrating their effort for each new milestone they overcome.

Adapting Fitness to Lifestyle

Here’s where fitness transcends exercise routines – design a mindset makeover chapter discussing how to integrate activity seamlessly into daily life so that staying active isn’t a chore but a lifestyle choice as natural as breathing.

Checklist for Creating Online Courses

5. Create Additional Tools – the Workbook

Your physical fitness online class can become the core material for a series of tools that attract people toward your teachings. 

For instance, you can create a workbook (in both digital and physical formats) that summarizes your class and extends the value.

Start by dissecting your course into bite-size pieces. Identify key concepts, exercises, and advice that translate well into written format. 

A comprehensive workbook should be more than just an echo of the videos – it must stand alone as a practical tool.

Next, outline clear objectives for each section of the workbook correlating to course milestones. 

Lay it out in a way that complements their digital journey – reflection questions here, workout logs there; make it intuitive to use and easy to navigate.

To keep users interested, you can create templates for tracking workouts, including sets, reps, and weights used. This way, they’ll have an action plan they can fill in as they go.

Consider adding extras, like a daily nutrition log or perhaps mood trackers tied to exercise routines. These will come as small incentives that keep people using your materials.

Also, don’t forget about visual aids. A quick glance at an exercise diagram can clarify form better than paragraphs spent describing torso angles and knee positions. Equip your workbook with graphs or illustrations that speak louder and clearer than words.

It also helps to infuse interactive elements like habit-building checklists or weekly challenges. These add variety and spice to an overall monotone routine and help your students stay on track. 

Lastly, make sure to incorporate educational snippets throughout these resources. Things like nutritional tips, meal plans, or mindfulness exercises amongst cool-down stretches enrich both page and practice alike.

Also, the workbook should reference specific course segments where learners can dive deeper digitally – this way, you create a connection with the online class.

How to Create an eBook

Choose the right LMS and launch your course 

A well-designed physical fitness online class is not just a sequence of videos where you talk about the importance of exercise and show learners a few exercises. 

Instead, it’s a complex course that teaches the intricacies of living a healthy life built around adequate movement and good nutrition. 

It’s also a fantastic way to get more people to experience your brand and enjoy the teachings of your broad experience in the field. 

Plus, all you need is internet connectivity, and suddenly geography’s grip loosens. Whether they’re suburban stay-at-homers or urbanites with hectic schedules, barriers crumble when the gym is as close as a smartphone or a laptop.

Now that you have an idea of where to start and how to design your tools, there’s nothing holding you back.

When you have your content in hand, all you need is a hosting platform like

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To find out more, visit our website, take a test and start profiting from the sale of online courses right now.