
Distance education market in Brazil

We talk a lot about the growth of the market for Distance Education (EAD) in Brazil and on how the advancement of technology creates a scenario in which people are looking for a more flexible method of education, in which they can take classes at anytime and from anywhere.

This new reality puts distance education in focus, both as a learning opportunity as business opportunity. In addition to individuals interested in a more practical way to learn, companies are using online courses as a way to train employees and professionals as form of entrepreneurship, transforming knowledge in a new business.

Trends on distance education in Brazil

For you to have a concrete idea on the growth of distance education market in Brazil, we have made an analysis of the evolution of the number of courses, registrations and investments in the sector. The source of this research is the Distance Education 2014/2015 Census, where were analyzed 226 institutions exclusively educational and 15 educational and suppliers.

Distance education courses

In 2014 were offered 25.166 courses (between the institutions analyzed). In this case, the free courses were the most traded, with a total of 19.873, being 12.475 corporates and 7.398 not corporates. Then we have the regulated courses blended or online disciplines, which totaled 3.453 online courses, in addition to 1.840 regulated distance courses. Check out the percentage data in the following chart:


Registrations in distance education courses

The total number of registrations is to convince those who was still undecided. Only in 2014, the online courses totaled 3.868.706 new registrations, being 519.839 (13%) in the regulated distance courses, 476.484 (12%) in the regulated blended courses or online disciplines of regular courses and 2.872.383 (75%) in free courses, with an average of 154 registrations per course.


Investments in distance education

As regards investment performed in the sector, 51% of the institutions that operate in the sector have increased the resources directed to improvements and/or implementation of the distance learning modality in compare to the previous year.

With relation to the type of course that was the focus of investment, the majority of institutions worked with regulated fully online courses, with 36% of the total, as the following graph:

The investments of 66% of the institutions with focus in the area of technology and innovation, such as the quest for a eLearning professional platform. See in the graph the proportion of institutions in relation to the area of greatest relevance in terms of investment in distance education in 2014:


All these data show that the market of distance education in Brazil experience constant growth, constituting a great option of investment for companies, teachers and students.

Aware of this reality and confident in a future where access to quality education, independent of factors such as location and time, is increasingly easy, is working to provide to our users the best and most complete platform for online education of the market.

Our team provides support and ongoing updates for teachers and students to have a great experience and easily reach their goals. If you are interested in knowing our platform give a hello through the e-mail It will be a pleasure to have you with us.