
Importance of the storyboard to create online courses

A storyboard to create online courses is a visual planning of how the course will develop, how will be organized the process of instruction.

How to make a storyboard to create online courses

A storyboard to create online courses is a map made with the objective of guiding the professionals during the stages of development of the course through the sketch of screens whose goal is to show where to include every feature, tool, activity, animation, etc.

It is a document that describes each “piece” of your course, your texts, the visual, audio, interactive elements and everything else that you want to insert to make education easier and the student experience more immersive and rich.

The design of the storyboard to create online courses is usually performed by an instructional designer, professional specialist in transforming the content in a material attractive, interactive and didactic. 

If you do not have a stable structure where to begin to create your project, every aspect of your course will suffer with the result. For this reason, a storyboard is a vital tool for anyone who wants to develop a quality instruction.

Hire an instructional  designer is the best option, but if you want to do it by yourself, here are some tips for making your own storyboard to create online courses.

Select a tool to create your storyboard

There are many models of storyboard, then the only thing you need to do is choose which tool you will use to create your, as, for example, the Word, PowerPoint, or an application. As it comes to draw a roadmap, PowerPoint offers good resources and is easy to edit, because believe me, there will be many changes during the development of the course and this file should be easy to access and editing. 

Format the content in accordance with the objectives of course

To develop your storyboard to create online courses you must already have the goals of the course and who is your target audience well defined. It is essential to have a clear idea of what results you want to achieve and identify exactly what the student needs and how he will acquire the knowledge desired. Format your content responding to each of the objectives of the course through a simple language, using examples and asking questions.

Organize the content sequentially

Divide your content into pieces to organize it in your storyboard. Then, set in which sequence it will be presented to the public for it to be fully understood. Better divided and organized the distance learning content, more effective will be your course. Think about how the topics or units should relate and organize them accordingly.

Use multimedia elements

Images, graphics, animations, videos and other multimedia resources help to capture attention of the student and facilitate learning. Your storyboard to create online courses serves for you to define where, in which steps, these elements will appear in your course. Draw a sketch and add a description about each multimedia item that will be inserted.

Make a navigation map

Even if your teaching material is simple, as it comes to an online course, there will be navigation elements such as buttons for “next” and “back”. For the student to navigate without problems, define where is the best place to put each button and how your course will respond to the specific behaviors of your audience. Describe, for example, what happens if a student provide an incorrect answer or want to pause the classroom. Create an outline for all these actions, this will make the design process of the project easier.

Add transitions between each lesson

The transition between lessons or chapters must occur smooth and consistent. Your storyboard to create online courses allows you to plan in which moments and how they will be done. The ideal is, at the end of each module, write a brief summary of what was learned and what will be taught next, in a way that awakens the curiosity.

This pause is important to encourage reflection. Give the opportunity for your student to review and think about what he has learned. This not only makes your distance learning course more interesting as it increases the retention of knowledge on the part of the student, allowing him to take the information to long-term memory.

Develop your own storyboard to create online courses is a fundamental step to create a course with solid foundations, avoiding errors, loss of time and resources. A well set roadmap makes the whole process more efficient and the implementation easier.

Everything done, now just get in contact with the via e-mail and host your content on a platform for online courses complete and easy to navigate. Give a hello to us and find out why we are the best option for your business.