
Know 6 selling words

Like any course, what sells an online course is it content.  It will be bought for who have interest in its content, no secret there. You have a great photography course? Math? Programming? That’s great, there are many people interested in learn, however, there are many people interested in teach too.

Keywords to promote your business

With the experience we get on Coursify, we have no doubt that the best course is the most complete and best prepared, but when is time to sell, attract and convince the client, not always that’s enough.

For that reason we presented in previously posts disclose and promotion techniques. Blogs, social networks, websites, all these tools help to promote your course, however, the language that you use to communicate your intention is essential, and at this moment, some techniques use by the greatest sellers can help you a lot. Check some words that we learn with who understand of sales and that can be crucial to engage and conquer the client.


Talk about what you teach and comment: “Easy to understand; Easy to learn; Easy to follow up; Easy to do”. Give your student trust, tell him/her that is not some incomprehensible monster and that he/she is capable to easily understand. 


Everything that is new draws attention, so, even that your course is not the first to teach some subject, use the word “new” to arouse the curiosity: “A new approach; A new way to teach; New way to learn”.


Encourage your customer. Don’t matter what the client tells against, remind him that he deserves it: “You deserve this opportunity; You deserve to invest in yourself, Deserve to dedicate to what you like; Deserve to get the best; Deserve to be even better”.


Is the keyword to the sales world. In times of Permission Marketing, selling is to have” aggressiveness affective”: “Can I tell you how to increase your income? Can I show you how to be an ever better professional? Can I show why I have the best course of the market? Can I teach you new techniques of how to do better?”


Show your client how he/she is getting more for less. Gaining knowledge with more convenience and lest investment than a classroom course for example. More benefits for less: “Save time; save resources; Knowledge for a low cost; Gain knowledge and save money; Discount for who buy the first tree modules”.


Emphasize the results. People buy a product/service because the results it provides. No successful business lives from sales; it lives from the satisfaction of the clients results.

Every business has it selling’s words. The ones we indicated are consider attractive to all business fields, but there are others that are also excellent, like: quality, profit, practical, better, worth and optimize. The important is know how to use it in the communication with the public, strengthen your propose in a positive and attractive way.

With a good material and the right communication, your clients won’t take long to come. Meanwhile, get in touch with Coursify through the email and host your course in the best and most complete online platform of the market. On Coursify we have all the right tools to your success.