
Partnership to create online courses: does it work?

Want to create online courses but is difficult for you to do it alone?

Many professionals are faced with problems such as lack of time to develop more modules and deepen the content, little knowledge on recording and editing tools, little time available to promote the course and so on. If this is your case, don’t give up, look for someone to help you, make a partnership.

Create online courses: tips to close good partnerships

Create online courses, with the goal of keeping a long term business, involves a lot of work. And this is only the beginning, still has the process of promote and sell it.

But before you panic and give up the idea, remember that it is normal to entrepreneurs who are launching their startups in the market seek for partnerships, both to assist in product development, as well as in the marketing process. 

The great X of the question is that look for partners is one thing, making the partnership work is another. The obligations and benefits of each party in this type of relationship should be well established from the beginning, to avoid that the agreement runs out in prejudice.

For that your partnership works and contributes to you create online courses with the quality you want, check out some tips:

Define the purpose of the partnership

Put on paper exactly why the partnership is being established, if it is to help you create online courses, produce content, format the course, meet students, disseminate the material, etc. 

Then it is important to make clear in the contract which the liability of each part in the project, the deadlines, the relationship with the customer and, most importantly, what will be done if the agreement does not work.

Know your partner

Trust and respect are very important in a partnership and for this reason it is important that you know well your partner and learn how he behaves professionally. Before closing any agreement, analyze materials that he has already produced, notice how he meets the customer and if the purpose of his company it is common to your business.  

Keep in mind that the fact of the person being your friend do not turn he or she into a good business partner. Stay tuned, because for the customer, if you’re working with someone bad, you are also bad.

Divide and delegate tasks

There is no sense in close partnership and continue centralizing all responsibilities on you. By making this agreement be prepared to divide tasks and delegate a part of the project.  

These settings need to be clear between the partners, so that each knows exactly what their obligations and goals. Remember that also in the partnerships, it is common to have side projects and that you may not always have control over what you partner is doing.

Relationship with Consumers

Many partnership contracts focus on the provision of services, as each party will assist the other to create online courses, produce and write the content and other aspects of development, but this type of agreement must also predict how will work the relationship with the customer in common.

Set in contract who will be responsible for meeting the student, since answer questions, promote online chats, servicing of SAC and what more is needed to your type of business.

Create online courses is hard work and join forces is always a good way to add greater efficiency to the process and give confidence to the entrepreneur.  

After you find the ideal partner to develop your course, the is the other partner you seek. Complete eLearning platform (LMS), the has all the resources you need to make your material available and start selling courses now, and the best, without paying anything for it!

Browse our site and learn why we are the best option for those who want to create and sell online courses.