
Corporate Training and Microlearning

Corporate training is the process by which companies empower and educate their employees. Various methods and tools are used for this purpose and recently the microlearning is gaining attention as a powerful new resource to train employees.

Corporate Training: what is Microlearning

Corporate training trend, microlearning refers to deliver the learning material at lower doses, more easily assimilated. 

In other words, it is a Distance Learning method that delivers the content to the students in smaller lessons. Flexible and focused on the student, this teaching methodology is characterized by demand less time of the participant and less effort in its realization.

Because it is a more direct and short way of teaching, it have gained more and more space in the strategies of corporate training, since its benefits are numerous, such as:

A corporate training more short and objective is more suited to the fast pace of working environments today – full of information, deadlines and demands.

How to Apply Microlearning in Corporate Training

The microlearning is a teaching method that offers agility and assertiveness. Flexible, it allows you to incorporate different features in corporate training.

To help in the absorption of content and makes the learning more dynamic, you can use tools such as:

There is not a default size for the microlearning. However, it is important to have in mind that this is a short course and that the ideal is that it is done at one time.

Considered by many as one of the best strategies for corporate training, with the help of an eLearning platform (LMS) as you can implement the microlearning in your company right now.

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