
How to define keywords

We talk a lot here about keywords and how to use them correctly in the content of your website or blog is essential in order to increase its rate of visibility and relevance. But despite the fact that we have said a great deal about SEO techniques and the importance of keywords, remains the question: how to define what the keywords ideal for my business?

What are and how to choose keywords

For organic traffic in your page increase, you need to create content that is relevant to someone. Here comes the first question: how did these people find my page? The answer is simple: through keywords that they use to do the search.

When doing a search, the user is searching through words that are related with the doubt, service or product that they are looking for. Then the best way to begin to determine what words are more effective to associate with your business is to understand your target audience. After all, once you know the profile and objectives of your public, predict what terms they use to search for your service is much simpler.

A second way is to do a keyword search to find the best opportunities for your niche. This can be done through a few simple tools that can be downloaded from the Internet, such as the Keyword Planner of Google, SEMRush and

But before we talk more about these tools, it is important to explain a little about the two main types of keywords:

Head tail / Fat head keyword

The head tail keywords are the keywords that have the highest volume of monthly searches for a given area. An example of this type of key-word is “Education”, with thousands of hits per month in the search engines.

If your business involves education, this is certainly a word that you meant to emphasize in your content, but if the demand is great, the competition is also. The competition would be thousands of web sites, blogs, and all kinds of material possible ranking for a word extremely comprehensive.

Therefore, the volume of traffic is much higher, but the competition is also. This creates a need to produce content well developed and complete. The need for monitoring and updates is also constant and it should take into account that, in spite of the large volume of organic traffic, it is less qualified, since any person seeking by this term can stop on your page.

Long tail keyword

Keywords long tail is longer, much more specific and also more effective.

For example, to create a post about online education, if your keyword is only “education” (head tail) the volume of searches will be enormous. If you change the key-word for “online education” the organic traffic drops, but the conversions increase, because now it is easier than a qualified audience reach to your page.

With this information in mind, it’s time to build your keyword search

Ready, now you know how to find and define what are the best words to draw attention in the competitive online marketplace and lead your customer to you. Everything you need is to host your online content to make it available in an easy and safe way. Contact the Coursify through the email that we take care this for you. The rest, it’s just a matter of dedication and use the right words.