How to Study Online: Strategies to Get the Best Results
Due to job market competition and busy routine, many people take advantage of the flexibility that elearning courses offer to study online and improve their knowledge.
However, despite the internet being a facilitator for learning, it also offers many distractions, and it takes great discipline not to lose focus and maintain a consistent study routine.
If you’re struggling with your online studies, check out the tips we’ve prepared to help.

Studying online: tips to achieve better results
In recent years, the development and improvement of online learning platforms, such as, as well as technological advances and greater access to the internet, have helped the online course market to grow at a rapid pace.
Distance learning systems and applications make the bridge between teacher and student, acting as true virtual classrooms.
From academic to professional courses, it’s possible to learn everything on the internet, and it’s safe to say that access to knowledge has never been easier than it is today.
However, studying online requires more than the right platform or course. To reap good results, dedication and discipline are needed, and no matter how much good will you have, maintaining an adequate rhythm of studies is a challenge for many people.
Aware of this reality, we list some tips that can make a big difference to those who wish to study online.
Find a nice place with good internet
Let’s start with the basics: pay attention to the environment in which you will study.
If it’s dirty, messy, or prone to distractions, you can be sure that you won’t be 100% focused on your goal.
The first thing to do is remove or move away from “weak spots”, i.e. anything that is very attractive, like television and video games.
The second step is to go to a quiet place. If you can’t find this place at home, try going to a library, bookstore or even a quiet coffee shop that has a good internet connection.
It’s true that not everyone can afford the best internet plan and sometimes the most affordable place to study online doesn’t offer the best wifi. In these cases, see if the teaching platform offers the possibility of taking the content offline, or if it is possible to download classes in advance, when you have access to a better connection.
Create a study routine
Creating a study routine is key to overcoming distractions and escaping procrastination.
First, think about what time you have the best performance. Is it in the morning, afternoon or evening? It may not be possible to book an entire period, but try to find at least one hour every day to study online when you are most productive.
It is at this time that you will dedicate yourself to the subject you like the most and the one you like the least (balance is fundamental in studies).
Also consider your other tasks. Do you work? Go to the gym? Try to study at times when your mind is more relaxed, even if you have to study earlier or later in the day.
Another tip that gives good results is to diversify your study methods. Switch between reading, video lessons, exercises, summaries and tests. This will help you to overcome fatigue and maintain interest in studying.
– 6 Strategies to Engage Students in Online Learning
Take your own notes
It’s true that it’s quite tempting to take printouts of teacher notes or slides when you’re watching online classes. But several scientific studies prove that annotations are more effective for retaining information.
Active reading (marking or noting interesting/important points as you read) helps you retain content better, create connections between new and old subjects, understand the text, and improve focus when studying.
The same goes for videos. While listening and watching the class, keep a notebook close by and write down what you find most important and complicated. At the end of the class, you can reread what you wrote and replay the moments when you were in doubt, based on your notes.
Stipulate short breaks
Studying online for several consecutive hours makes this task boring and tiring, reducing performance.
So, here’s a tried-and-true advice: take short breaks. Small, okay? Just to recharge mental energies. If pauses are too long, they can compromise long-term content retention.
Ever heard of the pomodoro method?
The pomodoro method consists of studying for 25 consecutive minutes and resting for 5. Simple and effective, studies have already proven its effectiveness in retaining knowledge and making better use of personal energy.
The secret is consistency.
Whenever you can, make revisions
Another tip to enhance your online studies is to review the content.
Ever heard of the Oblivion Curve? Psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus proved that after 20 minutes, you forget at least 42% of what you’ve just studied. After one hour, this rate increases to 50%. And after 30 days, 80% of the content leaves your mind.
So it’s critical to review what you’ve studied, what you can do by rereading your notes, reviewing the most challenging classes, and completing assignments and tests.
In addition to fixing everything that has been learned better, you can more easily identify the points where you have difficulty and need more dedication.
Another good idea is to diversify your review methods. In addition to the ones we’ve already mentioned above, try flashcards, mind maps, and writing summaries.
Use techniques and apps to help you study
There is a world of apps and techniques that can help you study online.
Try testing different apps until you find the ones that best suit your needs.
Some good options are StudyBlue, Evernote, Office Lens, My Homework, Student Planner, Simple Mind, Google Drive, among others.
Regarding the techniques, the pomodoro method already explained above is considered the best for those who have a busy routine or want to start their study routine.
In addition, cards, flashcards, study journals, podcast recording, self-explanation or GTD (Getting Things Done) can help you optimize time and retention of what has been studied.
– Tips for using technology in education
Form a study group
Is possible and recommended to study online in groups, as it makes this task more interactive and fun.
If possible, form a group with people who are taking the same course as yours, or at least studying the same area of knowledge.
On, through the Student Area, you can leave your doubts and see those of other students, which makes communication easier so that a group is formed.
The instructor himself can create a group on Facebook or WhatsApp so that students can communicate and help each other.
Some students and teachers create a hashtag on Twitter and post questions and answers on a variety of topics.
And to help you study online alone, have you ever heard of virtual study rooms? The Study Stream website or the Focus Room can help you not feel alone when studying on your own, as you will be connected with other people from all over the world with the same goal.
Just remember that to join one of the rooms you need to have the Discord, Google Meets or Zoom app (most common).
Recommended tools for you to study online
Now that we’ve given you tips on how to study online and get better results, let’s go back a little and talk about the basics, that is, the equipment you need for elearning.
It seems obvious, but there are so many options on the market that it’s important to make it clear what you need and what you don’t.
Desktop or notebook
A computer will certainly make your study routine much easier.
You don’t need the latest MacBook released by Apple or high-end Samsung. But you need a device that has good memory, especially RAM, to process applications without interruptions.
Companies are increasingly investing in the development of computers and notebooks for studies and work. So, see what has the best cost-benefit and serves your need.
Smartphone and tablets
Have you ever thought about the possibility of writing down everything on a tablet? Or watch all your classes on your cell phone? Although the screens are smaller compared to a notebook or computer, they are still great options for those who like flexibility.
In addition to being practical, a tablet or cell phone makes it possible to take your study or lesson material anywhere, unlike a desktop or even a notebook, which is bigger and takes up a good amount of space in the bag, not being very ideal for those who move around frequently.
This is a valuable tip. Remember we talked earlier about the importance of having the right environment to study online? Something that makes a big difference is having headphones with anti-noise technology.
These simple devices reduce the chance of you being distracted by common noises, such as cars or animals, and help you to be more focused and productive in your studies.
The noise-canceling headphones feature a highly sensitive microphone that lowers the volume of ambient sound and allows internal audio to reach your ears with as little interference as possible.
Choose the right platform to study online
Without a doubt, studying online has its advantages.
You optimize time, financial resources and even physical space, considering that everything you need fits in the palm of your hand.
Allkinds of research can be done easily through the internet, which significantly helps in the study.
In addition, all you need is a Learning Management System (LMS) with a pleasant, easy to use and access interface. After all, it is this platform that will serve as your virtual classroom.
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