
Persuasion techniques to sell online courses

Sell online courses, as well as any other service, is a task that requires knowledge of the market, target audience and techniques of promotion and sales.

Sell goes far beyond just announce something, it is necessary that the product offered to stand in the midst of competition and that the customer is convinced to buy it. For this reason, there are some persuasion techniques that are applied with success in sales strategies.

Sell Online Courses: 6 Laws of Persuasion that you should apply

Sell online courses using persuasion techniques is to guide the consumer to think in a certain way, make the decision that you want to. After all, persuasion is nothing more than the ability to convince someone.

Many people think that being persuasive is a gift, but, on the contrary, this is a quality that can be developed, studying and realizing how the human mind works.

The psychologist Robert Cialdini has released a book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

He explores what he described as the Six Laws of Persuasion, which would be the following:

  1. Reciprocity

This principle defines that people are more willing to agree to a request when something have been “given” to them in the first place.

To sell online courses according to this law, you can offer special discounts on the first purchase, facilitate the payment conditions, offer interesting content such as ebooks, handouts with summary of what was taught, a first free module of the course, among others.

  1. Commitment and Consistency

People are more willing to act in a certain way if seeing this as being consistent with their previous behavior. Once we commit ourselves publicly with something or someone, we are much more likely to comply with this commitment.

Ask your customer to commit to something small, without cost, like to fill out a form, answer a satisfaction survey, create an account, etc. This increases the likelihood that your visitors see themselves as customers and end up buying your course.

  1. Authority

The authority or perceived expertise of the communicator is an important factor for people to feel willing to agree or do something.

When it comes to sell online courses, this strategy must be built before, through content that proves the seller knowledge on the subject. This can be done through posts in blog, websites, social networks and other communication channels.

  1. Social Proof

The more “popular” is perceived to be a behavior, the greater the tendency for someone to behave the same way. This fill the need of the human being to know that he is not alone.

Show number of subscribers, number of visits to the site, students registered in the course, testimonies of students and any other data that helps to create credibility and trust.

  1. Scarcity

The attractiveness of a product/service/situation is inversely proportional to their availability. Feeling that we are going to lose something leads us to act with more emotion than reason.

Make an offer for a limited time, or pointing out that there is only X number of vacancies available is a great strategy to sell online courses.

  1. Liking

People are more willing to help or agree with those from whom they like, have a relationship of friendship, for whom they feel attracted or consider to be similar to themselves.

Create a relationship with your audience. There are several ways to do this, like by having chats to talk with your audience, to find common ground between you and exploit them to gain attention and generate trust and affection.

Anyway, these are some techniques that you can apply to sell online courses and attract more students to your course.

To help you can count with the Elearning platform  (LMS), has all the features you need to create and sell online courses with quality.

Please visit our website, learn more about the resources we offer, register your course and start profiting by doing what you like right now.