
7 Types of infoproducts to increase your online sales

If you are starting in the digital market, want to attract an audience and start making online sales, creating infoproducts is the best way forward.

Online sales: why and which infoproducts should I create?

Teaching your potential customers how to solve a problem is the best way to get their attention and start building your reputation as an expert.

To do this, you need to produce and deliver quality content that meets a need of your target audience. This is where infoproducts enter, such as eBooks, webinars, articles, online courses, etc.

With current technology, these materials are relatively easy and inexpensive to produce, often requiring no more than an investment of time.

In addition to serving as lead magnets, infoproducts are a great way to test your idea for a bigger product, like a complete online course.

This means that before creating something complex, you can pre-sell your idea in a smaller format, like an eBook or online mini-course and see how it is accepted by the audience.

This market validation, in addition to being very important to test if your idea is going the right way, will give you more confidence and peace of mind for you to move forward with your project.  

3 ways to validate your idea before creating online courses

So, as long as you create an infoproduct that you are sure your audience needs, you can go online selling before you even create it completely, organizing a pre-launch.

Now that you know why you should sell infoproducts, let’s see some types of products that sell well and which one fits best with your business idea.  

1. eBooks

EBook is a book in digital format that you can make available online to your audience (preferably in exchange for something, like subscribing to your newsletter).  

According to HubSpot, e-books are the most popular form of lead magnet and 27.7% of marketers use them today.

Producing an e-book can be a little time-consuming, but if you’re familiar with the subject you’re going to cover, it shouldn’t be too difficult to write.

If you’re selling an online cooking course, for example, you can create an eBook with ten original recipes of yours. Depending on your field, there are numerous types of content you can create to engage your audience and move them forward in your sales funnel.

Whatever topic you have in mind, just type it like a conventional book you would read at home. Then, if you need it, ask for help with the layout, upload it to your website or LMS platform and make it available for your customers to download when they perform some action, such as signing your mailing or buying something.

How to Create an eBook

2. Webinars

Webinars are live or pre-recorded videos that typically last 1-2 hours and that you can create and make available with minimal resources.

The topic covered can be anything and webinars that aim conversion tend to focus on storytelling. If you’re selling an affiliate course, for example, let your viewers know how you got started in that area, what results you’ve achieved, and how they can do the same.

Webinars have a good engagement rate as today’s audience tends to prefer visual over written products.

Excellent digital bait, the webinar is often made available as a free event in exchange for your email and attention.

Another great advantage of this infoproduct is that you can record it once and continue to sell it after the live presentation ends, increasing your online sales without having to repeat all the work again. 

Webinar: Advantages for Your Online Course

3. Facebook Groups or Private Communities 

Although nothing new, Facebook groups are one of the best lead generation tactics for online course producers.

Potential customers want to join a community or pay for a subscription that can provide helpful tips, information and solutions to any problems they may have.

And when you offer them a “place” with the valuable resources they’ve been waiting for, they take their wallet out of their pocket and actually pay to be there.

There are sites like Slack or Facebook that, with a private URL and password, can provide an easy way to share tips and ongoing information with your attendees.

You may not make a lot of money with groups right away, but they help a lot to build trust in your brand.

However, keep in mind that when you commit to creating this type of infoproduct, it will require your continued attention and participation.

Facebook Groups: How to set one up for your business

4. Case Study

Giving your audience exclusive access to a compelling case study is a great way to gain their trust and establish your reputation as an authority.

Powerful infoproduct to increase your online sales according to an eMarketer survey, 62.6% of people interviewed say it is an effective resource in lead generation.

By offering more complex content, you might request extra information from your potential customer (email address and phone number, for example) because someone interested in a case study is definitely interested in your service.

5. Checklist

Everyone loves a checklist that works as a step-by-step guide to getting something done. No wonder that this type of infoproduct is one of the most used as digital baits.  

Easy to create and consume, the checklist is attractive to both the producer and the customer.

Another advantage of this infoproduct is that you can literally turn anything into a checklist.

Do you have an online course? Divide modules or lessons into several numbered steps.

Got a high traffic article on your blog? Simplify it into a number of topics.

Got an attractive e-book that you haven’t published yet? Turn it into a checklist and create two lead magnets at once.

Another thing that makes checklists so effective is that they are often offered as content updates.

As you already know, the more email opt-ins you collect, the more opportunities you have to build a strong relationship with your audience.

Content updates to checklists increase your rich material offerings by giving readers a bonus that is directly related to the article they are reading. This adds more value to the product and even boosts the article’s readability.

6. Paid Newsletter

Newsletters are resources that are widely used to create and maintain a relationship with the customer.

Its goal is to be a periodic means of communication, with informative content about your field of activity, products, offers, etc.

However, when you create newsletters with in-depth content on a topic of interest to your audience, it’s not always necessary to send them out for free.

There are many companies that sell newsletters as their type of infoproduct. Much more than a way to increase your mailing, these newsletters are a way to increase online sales and create a legacy.

Take Warren Buffet for an example. Four decades ago, he sent out an annual newsletter early in his investor career. These days, these newsletters are a must-read for anyone in the investment industry.

They are so valuable that people actually pay to access this content. So if you are looking for a type of information product to sell, subscription newsletters might be your best option.

And if you send them consistently, it can generate a high ROI for your business.

Step by step to create a newsletter that converts

7. Online Courses

Icing on the cake! The flagship of infoproducts today.

With the eLearning market bigger than ever, the creation, sale and purchase of online courses has more and more followers.

Today’s technology has made it easy for anyone to teach what they know, and education no longer faces barriers. You don’t need to be in a classroom away from home at a certain time. It’s all there, on your computer.

If you’ve ever taken an online course, you know how digital learning works.

So if you’re thinking of creating an online course as your information product, you know that it requires a significant level of expertise in the subject matter and a good investment of time. 

Online courses and training usually include several modules and provide an in-depth explanation of different topics. To produce a quality course, you need planning and dedication.

But what about profit? At the moment, online courses are selling like water. Depending on the quality of your material and your marketing strategy, you can achieve staggering numbers.

A quick internet search is enough to see how this market is heated up and countless examples of professionals who have made this their main and only source of income.

So, if you’re an expert in something, creating an online course could be your best way to profit big from online sales.

Find out how much you can profit from online courses

Create eLearning courses and boost your online sales

For those who want to earn money on the internet, infoproducts are an excellent solution.

There are many options to choose from – webinars, online courses, eBooks, private communities, case studies – anything that adds value to your audience.

If you offer relevant content that really makes a difference, your brand will grow stronger and your online sales will only increase.

Complete eLearning platform, is the ideal solution for those who want to create, sell and promote courses on the internet.

Serving companies and professionals in more than 60 countries, the platform is a dynamic and customizable Learning Management System (LMS).

Whats is a Learning Management System

We have three plan options for you to decide which best suits your needs.

Visit our website, test the platform and start selling online courses right now.