
Live Video Streaming: How to Make Money Streaming

The live video streaming is gaining popularity for a very simple reason: people love videos.

Tools like Facebook Live and Instagram Live, make streaming very easy, and your business can not miss this opportunity.

Live Video Streaming: 5 Ways to Make Money

Doing real-time streaming can be the way out for the popularization of your brand.

By using live video streaming to connect with your audience around the world, in addition to promoting your business, entrepreneurs can take advantage to make money directly from broadcast.

Advantages of Live Streaming Your Online Classes

To learn more, check out five methods of monetizing live video streaming.

1. Ads

Yes, the ads find their way into live broadcasts as well.


At the end of last year, Facebook added the ad feature to their live videos.

This new feature allows some streamers to have an option to take a short break and have an ad play during that time.

However, not everyone has access to this feature, since it is only enabled for those who meet the following requirements:

With all these criteria met, after 4 minutes of transmission you can take a break for advertisement.


In turn, YouTube allows desktop streamers to insert ads into their live broadcasts.

The creator can click on “Play Ad” at any time during the live event.

If you are giving a lecture or class in real time, for example, this can be a good opportunity to breathe and organize your next thoughts.

However, remember to warn your viewers before you leave for a commercial break, so they know what is happening.

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Revenue is usually calculated based on the total number of people who viewed the ad.

However, calculating the revenue from mid-roll ads can be tricky.

Ad monetization is usually discussed in terms of CPM (cost per thousand views), which is a metric of how much it will cost for the advertiser to show your ad to 1,000 people.

The reason the RPM (revenue per thousand impressions) producers make are almost never mentioned is because they are hard to predict: they can vary greatly depending on the size of your audience and the CPM of that particular ad.

In addition, many creators point out that live ads are not really a significant source of revenue.

Because the revenue is derived from the total number of clicks or views, the payout depends a lot on how many people see the video.

And while video is able to accumulate these numbers over time, live streams that run ads need to attract a lot of viewers to make a significant profit.

It’s interesting to evaluate all of these issues before you enter ads in your live video streaming to determine if it’s worth it.

If you stay in doubt, like any other marketing question, the advice is the same: make a test.

2. Pay per view/subscription

In this business model you ask your audience to pay a certain amount to unlock access to the video.

But of course, this content must be more special and unique than the content released to everyone, something worth paying for.

You can set a monthly subscription fee, for example, so that the user has access to all the unique content created (something like Netflix).

Some streamers take advantage of the integrated subscription features offered by various live video streaming platforms (Vimeo Live, IBM Cloud Video, etc.).

A monthly subscription must include, in addition to content access, a number of advantages, such as chatting with other subscribers during viewing and escaping from ads during live broadcasts.

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Another option is to hire a facilitation service, such as Patreon.

Patreon is an online subscriptions platform whose main goal is to simplify how producers are paid for their work.

In practice, Patreon blends the concepts of collaborative finance and signature: people can contribute monthly to their favorite projects and in return receive rewards regularly for their support.

One of the most influential platforms of the moment, just last year, the site made it possible for its video creators to receive more than $ 3.5 million.

And even though Patreon is not a live streaming platform, integration with YouTube, Twitch and Facebook Live is easy.

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3. Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are an excellent option to consider if you are exploring how to make money with live video streaming.

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These programs work as follows: You receive a special product link (or promotional code) from a sponsor, and each time someone visits the link and buys the product, you get a percentage of the sale.

Basically, it’s like working with commission.

This can be a great profit tool for live content creators.

Let’s say a beauty blogger is demonstrating a curling modeler on a live video streaming.

Your viewers can see exactly how the product works in real time, gaining confidence to acquire it.

The affiliate program continues to work even after the streaming ends and becomes VOD (video on demand) content.

Amazon is a great place to start if you want to learn how to make money through affiliate programs.

4. Sponsoring

Close deals to promote the brand of a large company during a live video streaming is a dream for many creators.

This type of revenue is valid for both live and VOD content.

Promoting a brand in live video makes the “ad” a bit more reliable, real, and less boring for the viewer.

Profit from brand agreements and sponsorship can vary dramatically based on the brand, the specificity of your channel, the number of followers you have, and other factors.

Sometimes you get good money, sometimes you can get free brand material.

To be able to close this type of business, here are some tips to follow.

Stay within your niche

If your channel is about technology reviews, try to make a deal with some technology company.

If you talk about fashion then this is the area where you should look for sponsorships.

Your channel’s overall theme should closely match the brand you’re promoting.

Do not be afraid to ask

Your inbox is not full of sponsorship deals? Do not freak out. Take the first step.

Make a clear proposal, talk about yourself and what you have to offer and just ask.

Asking does not offend, but creates opportunities.

Less is more

If you’ve already closed a partnership, it’s best to pay attention to doing a great job for that brand than to lose focus by trying to get multiple deals.

Give the best of yourself, stand out, show results, gain recognition and with time other companies will come to you.

Do not compromise your reputation

No brand is worth it if you compromise all the recognition you have already gained from your followers.

In the long run, reputation is much more important. Stick to the brands and products that you really like and believe.

5. Sell your merchandise

Creating and selling your own product/service is a viable revenue model for all content creators.

Promoting your product through a live video streaming can be a great way to advertise your business.

Those who create online courses can take advantage of a live broadcast to advertise other courses and lessons they have available.

You can also use your product during your live broadcast, casually indicating where and how to buy (include links).

Another good tip for teachers is the case of Professor Felipe Oberg of

Specializing in teaching Portuguese Language for Public Contests, the teacher decided to record his classes and use the platform to place these videos, lessons online and provide support materials for his students.

At the same time, he uses as a channel for publicizing his face-to-face classes.

Realize that you can make live video streaming from anywhere, you only need a computer and internet access.

If your business is selling automotive parts, for example, nothing prevents you from doing a live streaming when you change the part of a car and show how it works.

The possibilities are numerous, just use your creativity.

How to Sell Online Courses with Live Video Streaming

By using live video streaming to connect with viewers around the world, content producers can make money through ads, affiliate program, sponsorships and more.

Our recommendation is that you use a combination of these methods for best results.

In addition to increasing your total profit, experimentation can also help you see which ones work best for you and your business model.

With all that said, remember that your live content still needs to be of high quality!

3 Tips for Creating More Effective Video Lessons

Those who create online courses can take advantage of these broadcasts as extra material for their course, benefiting from the interaction of the viewer to make the content more interesting.

In these cases, it’s a good idea to avoid showing ads, because remember that the video will be re-used.

The basics of a live video streaming are quite similar to a face-to-face lesson.

The important thing is to stay consistent, entertain your viewers and keep them involved.

Producing videos is a perfect way to record more dynamic and interactive lessons for your online course.

Elearning platform (LMS), has all the necessary features for you to import and integrate content from video hosting platforms such as Vimeo and YouTube.

Whats is a Learning Management System

Instructors can embed their hosted videos into any of these channels on their page on, leaving their lessons even better and more complete.

Visit our website and take advantage of all the features of our platform tocreate and sell quality online courses.