How online education can support classroom education

Walls are falling for elementary and high schools. Although classroom learning remains essential for student success, online education is beginning to show its importance and gain space. Current scenario of online education in schools The crisis generated by COVID-19, which caused the closure of schools and put the world in quarantine, launched a new look …

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Email Marketing: How to Create a Successful Email Campaign

Want to build customer loyalty and increase sales? Invest in email marketing. Best way to communicate with your audience, email campaigns are a powerful marketing strategy. What is email marketing? Email marketing is an email sent from a company to one or more potential customers. While everything in the digital world seems to change fast, …

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Customer Journey Map: How to use this tool to sell more

In order to attract consumer attention in an information-saturated scenario, a user-centric tool has been developed: the Customer Journey Map. What is the Customer Journey Map ? The Customer Journey Map is a visual representation of the user’s journey, that is, the history of their relationship with the company, service, product or brand throughout the …

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How to attract students for your online course

Create strategies to attract students it is necessary for the survival and growth of your business. To sell your online course you need to stand out among the competition and convince your audience of your product quality. ELearning Market Trends  Long considered an inferior option to traditional classroom teaching, online learning shows its validity and …

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How to Create an eBook to Sell More Online Courses 

A very useful tool for teaching online, to create an eBook is nothing more than producing a book in digital format. Simple to access through any electronic device, the virtual book has revolutionized not only the literary market, but also the eLearning market. Why Create an eBook for Your Business Two factors make an eBook …

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8 Things You Need to Know About Online Education

A lot of people always have a lot to say about online education. But few really speak knowingly. Depending on what you hear or read, distance learning can seem like a great solution or a huge problem. To make things clearer, we wrote this post. Online Education: Everything You Need to Know In an effort …

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5 Ways to Increase Student Retention Rate in Your Online Course

The eLearning market has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, but low student retention is a problem that still worries many instructors. According to research, online courses average rates of completion are about 13%. This means that only 1 in 10 students will complete your course. Student Retention: How to Keep Your Online Students  Low …

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How to do keyword research for SEO

As Google constantly updates its search algorithms and companies strive to track and maintain a good position in search results, one thing remains consistent for professionals looking to optimize their sites: the need to do keyword research. What is keyword research and why is it important? Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing …

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