
Everything you need to know about PLR

Subject much debated, but that still raises doubts, after all what is PLR? Where did it come from? How to use it? Can you really make money with this? We’ll talk about all of that and more in this article.

What is PLR and when did it come up?

The term “PLR” means “Private Label Rights” . Although no specific date is known for the emergence of the concept of PLR, it has been used for many years in the business and digital marketing world.

Private label rights allow a buyer to purchase the right to sell or redistribute an existing product with your own brand or name.

This means that the buyer can modify and customize the product and sell it as if it were originally created by him/her.

The first PLR products that appeared on the market were mostly ebooks and articles, and were sold through online marketplaces and forums.

Over time, the concept of PLR has expanded to include other types of digital products, such as videos, software and online courses.

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Why invest in PLR?

Investing in PLR products is an effective strategy for business owners, content creators, and digital marketers for several reasons:

In summary, investing in PLR products helps save time and money in creating digital products, allows access to high quality content and generates passive income.

However, keep in mind that not all PLR is going to be good quality, as anyone can produce and sell whatever they want.

Choose trusted sites and be aware of authors’ references and, if any, testimonials from those who have already purchased.

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How much does a PLR cost?

The cost of a PLR product can vary widely depending on the type of product and the quality of the content.

Some PLR ​​products are sold for just a few dollars, while others can run into the hundreds.

Generally, more complex and elaborate materials, such as online courses, apps or product bundles, tend to be priced higher than simpler resources like articles and ebooks.

Also, the price may vary depending on the number of licenses being sold. For example, a PLR product sold to a limited number of people will likely cost more than one sold to an unlimited number of buyers.

It is important to remember that when you buy a PLR you are not buying the exclusive rights to a product, but rather the rights to use and sell it as you wish.

In summary, prices vary greatly, and it is important to try to assess the quality of the content and the number of licenses available before making a purchase.

How can I make money with PLR?

There are a few ways to make money with PLR:

Practical guide to creating and selling online courses

What are the best PLR sites?

There are many PLR sites available, some better than others, so before you invest your money, we recommend doing some good research.

Here are some of the most popular and reputable PLR ​​sites today:

Once again we stress the importance of trying to check the quality of PLR products before buying them. 

Many sites provide only a small sample of content. Others provide reviews and recommendations from other buyers, in these cases, read everything before investing your time and money.

How can I create online courses using PLR?

Very useful to facilitate the journey of creating an online course, you can use this feature as follows:

1. Choose a high quality PLR product

Choose a product that has to do with the course theme that you want to create.

We suggest choosing one with as dense a content as possible, so you have plenty of material to work with, as you will most likely have to make cuts.

This will be the base of your course, so even if you have to pay a little more, go for the best PLR you can find.

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2. Edit the content

Yes you need to edit the PLR, both the aesthetic part and the content.

No matter how well-made the product you’ve purchased is, do not give in to the temptation to get rid of any work and put your logo and colors.

Add your own ideas, experiences and examples to make the course as personal as possible. Finally, mix everything necessary to create a course that you are proud of, that is unique in the market and that will actually make a difference for your student.

3. Create your course in the format you want

If you bought an eBook, that doesn’t mean your online course has to be one.

Edit the content and transform it to suit the format you and your audience prefer, such as videos or slides.

You can use programs like PowerPoint or Canva to create the presentations, and video editing programs like Camtasia or Adobe Premiere to create and edit the videos.

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4. Create practical activities

Providing practical activities, such as online quizzes and tests, for which students can test and apply what they have learned is very important for teaching.

This type of exercise makes the study more dynamic and helps to reinforce learning. It also gives you a better idea of ​​how your students are performing, whether they need help or if your course suddenly needs tweaking.

For students, this type of assessment serves as a motivation to continue the course once they feel they are making progress.

5. Choose a hosting platform

Once the course is ready, choose a hosting platform to make it accessible to your students and through which you can sell it.

E Learning platforms like allow you to create and host your online course, offering all the features you need, such as content management, students enrollment, payments, and more.

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Whats is a Learning Management System

To know more, visit our site, test the platform and start selling your online courses right now.