Tag Archive For "teacher"
Desmos: what it is and what are its benefits for online courses
Software that has been growing in popularity, Desmos is one of the most incredible mathematical tools today. Free and easy to use, it lets you explore functions, equations, data tables, and geometric concepts interactively. Interesting for students and teachers, in this post we will explore the main features of Desmos and how it can transform …
Create online courses: back to basics done right
Since we started this blog, about twelve years ago, we’ve talked a lot about how to create online courses. There are several step-by-step instructions, checklists and strategies that have evolved over the years, until we reach the age of AI, which certainly facilitates several aspects of developing a course. But, if we’ve learned one thing …
Why transfer your online training for cloud storage
Technology that changed the concept of flexibility and virtual accessibility, the cloud data storage is the best friend of distance education and online training. But exactly what does “in the cloud” mean and why does it bring great advantages, including economic ones, for companies and professionals? That’s what we’re going to see in this post. …
Teaching Strategies and eLearning in Alternative Certification Programs for Educators
E-Courses are especially complementary to the teaching profession. Not to mention, teacher candidates can undertake e-courses to enrich their teaching strategies while enrolled in alternative certification programs. Considering further that the e-learning market continues to advance, with an Allied Market Research report predicting it will reach over $840 billion by 2030, what’s stopping you from …
Engaging Students in eLearning: Innovative Strategies for Course Success
Creating an immersive and dynamic learning environment that caters to a variety of learning preferences and styles is the key to engaging students in online courses. We explore cutting-edge tactics in this extensive guide that are intended to capture and sustain students’ attention, from individualized approaches catered to individual requirements to interactive learning technologies. Innovative …
8 tips for creating online courses with success
If you are thinking about creating online courses or already have one, but you are not getting the expected results, this article is for you. We’ve gathered a lot of what we’ve learned in ten years in the eLearning market in eight valuable tips to help you. Check out! 8 Tips for creating online courses There …
How to sell online courses
To sell online courses may seem like a simple task, after all your “product” is on the internet and you don’t have to worry about inventory space or delivery services. The promotion stage also promises to be more economical, since you can use resources such as social networks, blogs and other free tools. All this …
Metaverse and education: what to expect in the coming years
Mark Zuckerberg popularized a word that until recently was only known among the most daring users of the technological world: metaverse. With an air of a science fiction movie, this word may be closer to being part of our reality than we imagine, and in this post we will better understand what it means and …
How to write great content for your online school
When it comes to creating an online school, a lot is said about how to plan the content and in what formats it can be presented, such as videos, tutorials, audio, etc. However, regardless of the chosen format, one element will always be present, the texts. Whether it’s in support materials, handouts, tests or your …