
What is a Learning Management System (LMS)

Learning Management System or LMS as it is popularly known, is a term that is gaining more prominence with the rise of online courses.

Learning Management System: what it is and what it is for

A Learning Management System  as the name implies, is basically a SaaS (software as a service) that works like an online classroom.

This type of system is designed to be a solution for distance learning, a place where teacher and student could interact without being at the same room.  

Through a LMS, instructors can offer their courses and online classes. By accessing the platform, students have access to the material and other resources that support learning, such as chats to discuss the content.

Distance Learning tool, the main goal of a Learning Management System is make teaching and learning online possible.

With the growth of the elearning market, Learning Management Systems have millions of students and are helping more and more people have access to quality education.

How a Learning Management System works

In order to be a virtual classroom, the software must have the resources to encourage this dynamic.

Basically all LMS have a technological and an educational part.

The technological part consists in the practical elements of implementation and management of a course, such as students enrolled, passwords, content publishing, monitoring access, performance reporting, chats, among others.

The pedagogical part refers to educational approach that guides the development computer, for example how the environment will allow students to “relate” to it.

The Learning Management System allows the use of different media and resources to make classes more interesting and dynamic, such as videos, audios, presentations, etc.

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It also has tools that allow interaction between students, teachers and peers, exchange of information and material available for study.

Who uses a Learning Management System

LMSs are used worldwide by people seeking new knowledge, professional interested in having a new business or an extra source of income, and companies that want to empower their employees more economically and efficiently.

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In general, there are two types of users:

As we can see, a Learning Management System can be used by any individual seeking to teach or learn something, regardless of their area of expertise.

If he will be able or not to do certain course, will depend on the requirements identified as critical by the instructor of the chosen course.

Key features of a Learning Management System

As mentioned earlier, all LMS has the same goal, enable teaching and learning online, however, the resources that each platform features may vary.

In general, and to exemplify better, we point out some of the features that the offers:


Easy customization of the visual identity of online courses with logo, images and custom color scheme.


Hosting courses with redundancy and backup to ensure a safe and reliable environment.

Modular courses

Possibility of organizing online courses with modules sections and lessons to facilitate learning.


Integration and import content from other platforms, such as Dropbox, YouTube and Vimeo.

Online payment

Receiving payments securely via PayPal, PagSeguro or Stripe.

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Growth charts

Growth Monitoring of online courses through graphs showing the number of sales.

Student management

Ability to manage students and track progress and performance of each one in real time.

Discussion forum

Chat through the comments section in each lesson to answer questions, discuss content and help students to broaden their knowledge and networking.


Fully responsive system, with optimized support for desktop, tablets and mobile.

Support browsers

Support to the most popular browsers in the market, such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

The list of features of a Learning Management System can be quite long and the best way to choose the best for your needs is search and get in touch with the SaaS provider.

Advantages of a Learning Management System

There are numerous advantages to using a Learning Management System for both companies and professionals who are entering the online courses market.

Such as:

Many companies already use a LMS to host courses and train their employees.

A survey conducted by Brandon Hall Group showed that 54% of organizations that have invested in an elearning software saw improvements in productivity and engagement of their team.

Of these companies, 91% also reported the relation between the training and improved performance of employees.

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It is easy to note the benefits that elearning can bring to companies, professionals seeking a new source of income and people who want to expand their knowledge.

With a complete Learning Management System as, this whole process becomes simple and enjoyable for both students and instructors.

Visit our website, test the platform and see why we are the best LMS of the market.