7 Ways You Can Use AI In Your Content Marketing Strategy

Content creation and content marketing are two tasks that revolve around channeling creativity and blending it with data and information. However, as a company grows, this task becomes more and more challenging, which begs the question: how can AI help? What Content Marketing is really about? Content marketing aims to entice a company’s target audience …

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Metaverse and education: what to expect in the coming years

Mark Zuckerberg popularized a word that until recently was only known among the most daring users of the technological world: metaverse. With an air of a science fiction movie, this word may be closer to being part of our reality than we imagine, and in this post we will better understand what it means and …

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How to write great content for your online school

When it comes to creating an online school, a lot is said about how to plan the content and in what formats it can be presented, such as videos, tutorials, audio, etc. However, regardless of the chosen format, one element will always be present, the texts.  Whether it’s in support materials, handouts, tests or your …

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PLR: Simple Guide To Profit From Selling PLR eBooks 

If you are looking for a way to earn money online, selling digital products as PLR eBooks is one of the hottest opportunities right now. Since this subject is still new to many people, in this article we have collected everything you need to know about PLR products, where to get them and how to …

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How To Hit The Ground Running With An Online Business

Planning on starting an online business? You definitely should.  Many people have set up their own online businesses in recent years either as their main job or as a way to earn on the side.  If you too want to enter this world full of possibilities, this post will offer a few suggestions for ways …

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10 Ideas for creating social media content

Creating social media content is part of the routine of any professional or brand that wants to establish itself in the market. However, continuously generating new posts is a lot of work and requires creativity. To help, we’ve rounded up 10 content ideas that have been tested and approved by brands with a strong digital …

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5 Steps to Create Promotional Videos for Your Online Course

Promotional videos have emerged as a powerful tool for creators of online courses and infoproducts in general, as a means of attracting an audience, presenting the product and conveying credibility. A well-crafted promotional video can be the difference between someone signing up for your course or not. Therefore, in this post we are going to …

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How to Study Online: Strategies to Get the Best Results

Due to job market competition and busy routine, many people take advantage of the flexibility that elearning courses offer to study online and improve their knowledge. However, despite the internet being a facilitator for learning, it also offers many distractions, and it takes great discipline not to lose focus and maintain a consistent study routine.  …

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