Lead Nurturing: 6 effective tactics to nurture leads

Lead nurturing is the process of engaging a defined audience by providing relevant information at each stage of the customer journey. Some ways to achieve this are through targeted content, multichannel relationships, and personalization. The Importance of Lead Nurturing for Online Business In simple words, a lead is an individual or organization that shows interest …

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Video editing: basics to edit online courses

Video editing is part of any content recorded to which one wants to give a professional look. So whether you’re producing videos for your YouTube channel, online courses or even a business presentation, it’s important to know how to edit the final material. Why is video editing important? Using video lessons is a great way …

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10 best niches for online courses in 2019 

If you want to have your own business and work from home in 2019, you probably have already thought of selling online courses. Distance education is part of the present and an inevitable future, and its market is growing at an incredible pace. Online Courses: How You Can Get Into This Market The eLearning industry …

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How to do the sales forecast of your online business

How to do a sales forecast is usually an issue for beginners entrepreneurs. The truth is that while new entrepreneurs are often optimistic about the future of their new business, most are not sure how to forecast future sales and how much money they can make. Why is sales forecasting important? Looking into the future …

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How a Podcast Can Help Sell Online Courses

If you’ve been in the e-Learning industry for a while, you’re probably running out of marketing ideas to sell online courses. And when that happens, it’s time to find a new way to communicate with your audience. That’s where podcast appears. Sell Online Courses: Why Creating a Podcast is a Good Idea What do you …

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Online classes: Improving communication with students

Effective communication with students in online classes should be a priority for instructors as it not only contributes to retention but also provides a sense of community that is important to the student. Why is effective communication necessary in online classes? The goal of online communication is the same as that of face-to-face communication: building …

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How to Price Online Courses

If for many people the main challenge is to create online courses, for others the difficulty appears even when it comes to pricing online courses. After all, how much worth a material that you created? How to put a price on your knowledge? Pricing online courses: How much should I charge for my course? You …

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Checklist to Create Online Course: Development Guide

To create an online course that works, you need to follow a planning of what needs to be done. It is common for beginner instructors to get lost during the development phases, which is why we created this checklist to serve as a guide during the process. Create online course: development checklist With the distance …

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Sales techniques: 8 strategies to sell more online courses

You can be a great instructor and have developed the best online course, but when it comes to sell it the area of ​​expertise is different and knowing some sales techniques can be quite useful. 8 Sales Techniques To Boost Your Business Developing a strong sales program is crucial aspect for any business. Without effective …

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10 Tips for Make Tutorial Videos for Online Courses

To make tutorial videos is one of the most effective ways to teach something nowadays. Much used by those who create online courses, the tutorial allows the viewer to see a step-by-step on how to do something, learning in their own time and speed. Make tutorial videos: tips for achieving the best result A tutorial …

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