How to sell online courses

To sell online courses may seem like a simple task, after all your “product” is on the internet and you don’t have to worry about inventory space or delivery services. The promotion stage also promises to be more economical, since you can use resources such as social networks, blogs and other free tools. All this …

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Step by Step to Create a Visual Identity to Your Brand

What it means to create a visual identity? Is it choosing a name? Draw a logo? Set a color palette? Well, all of that and more. Create a visual identity for a brand: what is it? Branding professional Marty Neumeier defines a brand identity as “the outward expression of a brand, including its trademark, name, …

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Metaverse and education: what to expect in the coming years

Mark Zuckerberg popularized a word that until recently was only known among the most daring users of the technological world: metaverse. With an air of a science fiction movie, this word may be closer to being part of our reality than we imagine, and in this post we will better understand what it means and …

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How to write great content for your online school

When it comes to creating an online school, a lot is said about how to plan the content and in what formats it can be presented, such as videos, tutorials, audio, etc. However, regardless of the chosen format, one element will always be present, the texts.  Whether it’s in support materials, handouts, tests or your …

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PLR: Simple Guide To Profit From Selling PLR eBooks 

If you are looking for a way to earn money online, selling digital products as PLR eBooks is one of the hottest opportunities right now. Since this subject is still new to many people, in this article we have collected everything you need to know about PLR products, where to get them and how to …

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Choosing a Topic to Create a Successful Online Course

The key to creating a successful online course is choosing a topic that your audience really wants and needs to learn. Choosing the topic requires analysis and research, in order to arrive at a coherent result with good sales potential. Create an Online Course: Step-by-Step to Choosing a Topic Do you know the difference between …

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What is an e-Learning platform 

E-Learning, distance education, online learning, are some of the names given to this form of teaching that is gaining more and more space and followers. The advantages that online classes offer, such as flexibility of time, location and learning time, meet the needs generated by the lifestyle of most people, in which there is less …

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5 Steps to Create Promotional Videos for Your Online Course

Promotional videos have emerged as a powerful tool for creators of online courses and infoproducts in general, as a means of attracting an audience, presenting the product and conveying credibility. A well-crafted promotional video can be the difference between someone signing up for your course or not. Therefore, in this post we are going to …

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