Learn how to record videos at home

How to record videos at home is one of the main doubts of those who are thinking about creating online courses and want to develop good material without having to hire help. So we’ve put together some tips in this handy guide that will help you record quality videos at home. How to record videos …

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How to use Video Marketing to sell online courses

Video marketing is another feature of the arsenal of tools that you can use to sell courses online, but, let’s be fair, this is “The” feature. If you are remotely aware of the way people consume content on the internet today, you already know that videos are the big favorites of the moment.  Not sure? …

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Instagram: how to use it to promote your online course

In November 2019, Instagram revealed to have reached 1 billion users, of which more than 500 million access the platform daily. Thanks to this impressive figure, most companies today adopt Instagram as one of their main lead generation tools. Why and how to advertise on Instagram Despite the impressive number of users, Instagram has less …

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Customer Journey Map: How to use this tool to sell more

In order to attract consumer attention in an information-saturated scenario, a user-centric tool has been developed: the Customer Journey Map. What is the Customer Journey Map ? The Customer Journey Map is a visual representation of the user’s journey, that is, the history of their relationship with the company, service, product or brand throughout the …

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Inbound Marketing: How You Can Use It to Attract Customers

If you are starting an online business, you have probably heard of Inbound Marketing. Unlike traditional marketing, Inbound Marketing is focused on creating a customer relationship. Its premise is to deliver content and attract the audience to the product, rather than offering it directly to the consumer. What is Inbound Marketing? The term was coined …

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Why and how to promote your business on YouTube

Currently YouTube, when well used, is a real paradise for business growth, where you get consistent flow of traffic, leads and sales. If your business is not leveraging this channel as one of the tools in its marketing arsenal, you are missing out on opportunities. Why is YouTube so important? Most companies, when it comes …

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Using Affiliate Marketing to Improve Online Sales

Based on the partnership between brands, people, and businesses, affiliate marketing certainly has the potential to drive sales and generate significant revenue.  More than that, it’s a highly cost-effective lead generation tactic, where you pay according to campaign performance. What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is also known as performance based marketing. In short, brands …

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Simple Guide to Create and Sell Online Courses 

Why Create and Sell Online Courses? To profit by doing something you enjoy, at your own time and pace, in the comfort of your own home. How to create and sell online courses? Following this practical guide we have prepared for you. Creating and Selling Online Courses: Why This is a Good Idea If the …

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How to do keyword research for SEO

As Google constantly updates its search algorithms and companies strive to track and maintain a good position in search results, one thing remains consistent for professionals looking to optimize their sites: the need to do keyword research. What is keyword research and why is it important? Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing …

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