
Storytelling: 5 techniques to impact your audience


Storytelling is the art of telling stories with the aim of conveying a message emotionally, capable of generating a feeling of identification on the part of the listener.

In the context of marketing, education, entertainment and even corporate communication, storytelling is used to make information more impactful and engaging, creating an appeal that is difficult to resist.

In this post we will cover how to use this strategy in your business and in creation of online courses.

Storytelling: 5 techniques to impact your audience

What is Storytelling?

The concept of storytelling is as old as humanity itself. 

Since prehistoric times, human beings have told stories through cave paintings, tales and legends passed down from generation to generation orally and, later, through writing.

Storytelling literally means “telling stories”. However, the term goes beyond simple narrative; it refers to a communication technique that uses stories to engage, inspire, and convey a message in a memorable way.

The term “storytelling” as a structured and conscious technique for engaging audiences began to be popularized especially in the 1970s and 1980s, when companies and communications professionals began to understand the power of stories as persuasion and marketing tools.

Over time, storytelling evolved and became adapted to different media, such as theater, literature, radio, cinema and, more recently, digital platforms.

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What makes storytelling so effective?

Stories have always been used to transmit knowledge, teach lessons and strengthen social ties. 

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” – Robert McKee

It combines several psychological, emotional and cognitive elements that capture attention and engage the public in a profound way. 

This happens mainly because, when we listen to a story, we identify with the characters and start to feel the emotions they experience. This way, we end up creating a strong connection with the message or brand, which makes the entire experience more memorable.

Among other factors that make storytelling so effective in communicating something in an impactful way, we can mention:

For these and other reasons, storytelling is not just a technique, but a powerful tool for connecting, engaging and persuading people in a lasting way. 

It appeals to both the rational and the emotional, creating a rich and multifaceted experience.

“Stories are memory aids, instruction manuals, and moral compasses.” – Alex Krotoski

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5 Storytelling tactics for your business

There are several storytelling strategies that can be applied effectively, depending on the objective and context. Here are some of the main ones:

1. The Hero’s Journey

Based on the structure of classical myths, this strategy follows a overcoming narrative, where the protagonist faces challenges and, in the end, emerges transformed. Ideal for creating inspiring and motivational stories.

Start by introducing a character that the audience can identify with. This character, called a hero, is nothing more than an ordinary person facing everyday difficulties, which generates greater emotional connection.

TIP: Instead of a traditional hero, the narrative can revolve around an antihero, a flawed character who faces his or her own internal dilemmas, flaws, or challenges. This type of story can generate more empathy and connection, since the antiheroes tend to be more complex and closer to the public’s reality.

2. Conflict and Resolution

Present a problem that needs to be solved, creating tension until resolution. This keeps the audience engaged, waiting for the solution or outcome of the story.

Great stories have conflicts or challenges for the characters to overcome. These challenges help develop a structure within the narrative and make it more intriguing. 

For marketing purposes, it can be helpful to consider what might challenge consumers and create a story presenting a challenge that the audience can experience.

3. Visual and Action

Use images, videos and graphics to tell the story in a more immersive way. This is especially effective on digital platforms and social media, where attention spans are shorter.

Instead of telling your audience how a character feels or what a situation is like, demonstrate this through action using images, such as illustrations and videos. 

This approach ensures that your audience is actively involved in your narrative, experiencing events and emotions in a more concrete way.

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4. Testimonials and Real Stories

People connect more easily with what is genuine, so real cases are always a powerful storytelling tool.

Incorporate real stories from customers, employees or acquaintances, or even talking about your own transformative experience, is a surefire way to get your audience’s attention.

Reach out to your support team or invite existing customers (through social media, for example) to tell their story of benefits from your product/service in the real world.

5. Stories with Purpose

Focus on themes of social impact or shared values ​​to create a deeper connection with your audience. This may include stories of sustainability, innovation or social responsibility.

Showing how your brand acts as a proactive and positive force for change within the community or society at large humanizes it, creating trust and admiration, which leads to greater brand loyalty.

Explain how your company got involved with this social issue and highlight the positive results in an understandable and humble way (no one likes people bragging).

How storytelling can be used in online courses

Storytelling can transform online courses.

Incorporating narratives into content helps capture and maintain students’ attention, contextualize complex information, and create a more engaging and dynamic learning experience.

Here are some ways to apply storytelling in online courses:

Tell a relevant story

A personal story or fictional story that illustrates the course theme helps establish a connection with the content from the beginning. 

This creates empathy and engagement, as students begin to see the practical usefulness of what they will learn.

To do this, you can tell your own story or that of someone who was once your student, for example, and who faced challenges and overcame them with what you have to teach.

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Introduce a main character or “hero” of the journey

Having the figure of a main character to follow and relate to helps make learning more engaging.

This character must face challenges, learn from mistakes and grow along the way, mirroring student development.

One way to do this is by applying the Hero’s Journey structure and dividing the course into phases (call to adventure, challenges, overcoming, return with reward).

This helps to create a feeling of progress and achievements throughout the course, keeping students motivated.

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Use stories to contextualize complex concepts

Explain concepts through real or fictional stories helps the student to visualize and understand more easily what is being taught.  

For example, a marketing course might use case studies to tell the stories of brands that overcame challenges with good strategies. 

Another method is to use scenarios where a character faces dilemmas, asking students to apply the concepts taught to solve such problems in a practical way.

Engage emotionally with inspiring stories

Stories of people who applied course knowledge to achieve goals can be very inspiring. 

They help students visualize what they can achieve and make learning more motivating, increasing the course completion rate.

Stories of failure and overcoming can also be valuable, showing that mistakes are part of the learning journey.

Structure the course as a “mission” or “adventure”

Use gamification elements, transforming the course into a journey where students unlock achievements, face “challenges” or “missions”.

This type of narrative encourages the student to progress as if they were in a game, which makes everything more dynamic and fun.

Each course module can be a “chapter” of the story, keeping the pace and increasing curiosity about what comes next.

How to use gamification in online courses

Encourage students to create their own stories

Create projects based on storytelling. Ask students to tell their own stories in relation to the content, as reflections on what they learned or how they intend to apply the knowledge they acquired.

This reinforces learning and allows for a personal connection with the content.

Going through practical exercises that simulate real situations is another way to make students apply course content to their own narratives, making learning more meaningful.

End the course with a “journey conclusion”

Don’t forget to celebrate your students’ achievements! Recognizing the journey the student has taken, highlighting what was learned and how they grew, is an important stage of the course.

This can be done by delivering a certificate or personal message, for example.

Take the opportunity to encourage the continuation of studies and practical application, even after the course ends.

How to create a certificate for online courses

Instructors who host their courses through a Learning Management System (LMS), like, can issue a certificate for their students.

It is possible to create and send this document to each registered student, simply and quickly, using the platform’s own resources. 

Complete LMS, it’s the perfect solution for anyone who wants to create, sell and promote your courses on the internet.

Whats is a Learning Management System

To find out more, visit, test the platform and understand why we are the best option for your business.

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