Category Archive For "Tutorials"
How To Leverage SEO For Brand Awareness
Are you on your business’s marketing team, worried about building your brand awareness? If so, this article is here for you. We will guide you on leveraging search engine optimization (SEO) so your company will be visible enough to attract an audience, build a strong brand and as a consequence, generate sales. What Is SEO? …
How to sell online courses
To sell online courses may seem like a simple task, after all your “product” is on the internet and you don’t have to worry about inventory space or delivery services. The promotion stage also promises to be more economical, since you can use resources such as social networks, blogs and other free tools. All this …
Step by Step to Create a Visual Identity to Your Brand
What it means to create a visual identity? Is it choosing a name? Draw a logo? Set a color palette? Well, all of that and more. Create a visual identity for a brand: what is it? Branding professional Marty Neumeier defines a brand identity as “the outward expression of a brand, including its trademark, name, …
How to write great content for your online school
When it comes to creating an online school, a lot is said about how to plan the content and in what formats it can be presented, such as videos, tutorials, audio, etc. However, regardless of the chosen format, one element will always be present, the texts. Whether it’s in support materials, handouts, tests or your …
Sales training: 5 techniques to improve your team’s performance
You decided to create an online course, invested time and resources in the development of great content, with the potential to be a real success and generate income for an indefinite period, but there is a caveat, you have to sell the product first. And that’s where good sales training makes a difference. If you …
How to grow your organic traffic on Facebook
Anyone who works in the digital environment knows that the success of any online business depends on the number of visitors it receives and how many of these convert into leads and, later, into paying customers. That said, there are several paid ways to attract a greater number of people to your website, such as …
10 Ideas for creating social media content
Creating social media content is part of the routine of any professional or brand that wants to establish itself in the market. However, continuously generating new posts is a lot of work and requires creativity. To help, we’ve rounded up 10 content ideas that have been tested and approved by brands with a strong digital …