
Copywriting Tips to Sell Online Courses

With good content, a great eLearning platform and knowledge in copywriting, you have everything you need to successfully sell online courses.

If the only thing missing is to understand a little bit more about copywriting, this post is for you.

Why Copywriting is Important to Sell Online Courses

In summary, Copywriting is the production of texts (articles, slogans, whitepapers, ebooks, posts, etc.) with the purpose of making a sale.

It is true that everybody knows how to write, but developing a text capable to sell online courses is something else.

– How to sell online course

Those who create courses usually devote so much time and energy to producing content that when it finally comes to an end, the thought is, “Now I just have to put some words describing my course and I can go sleep!”.

Big mistake. The sales page is your greatest opportunity to show your audience why your course is so valuable and life changing.

A well done copywriting can paint your online course as the solution that your students sought and the tool that will solve their problems.

But if writing is not your best hability and you are afraid of not being persuasive enough to sell online courses, do not worry, you are not alone.

Even skilled bloggers or content marketers tend to go wrong in copywriting  when they do not focus on their purpose.

– Content Marketing to Sell Online Courses

An article for blog or newsletter, for example, does not have the same type of content that should go to a sales page.

When writing a blog post, the goal is to provide information about a subject and in turn get new subscribers and more traffic to your website.

– How to use your blog as a marketing tool

With  copywriting, however, you expect to get people to dump their money and commit to a solution you’re offering.

That means that to sell online courses using copywriting, you need to convey two things: the value of your product and the urgency of acquiring it now.

Basically your message begins with “Choose my product because it will make your life easier,” and ends with “But run because the offer is for a limited time”.

Learn How to Use Copywriting to Sell Online Courses

To successfully sell online courses, you need to adopt an effective marketing strategy to ensure that you are headed in the right direction.

Copywriting is critical in creating and executing this strategy and has a direct impact on the sales potential of your course.

– How to generate leads

So, stay tuned to the tips we prepared about how to use Copywriting to sell online courses.

1. Make a great sales page

When designing your landing page, you must take into account a few factors to ensure that no visitors leave the page without reading what you have to say.

A good landing page should have a header at the beginning with bold, large text that gives visitors an idea of ​​what they will find on your page.

So keep in mind that for a sales page, using only the title of your course will not be enough.

A better approach is to briefly inform the benefits your potential student will receive upon enrollment in the course.

This specific text, although short, should predispose the reader positively based on their needs and desires, as well as promise an interesting result if he lingers a little longer and read what comes next.

People on the internet have short attention span and tend to focus on what they see first on a page. Only if that information captures their interest they will go through the rest of the content.

So your best chance is to put all the important data about your course and services at the top of your landing page so that everyone can see it as soon as the page starts loading.

When creating your course description, it is important to keep your speech simple, brief, concise, accessible and easy to understand to all.

Remember that this text is an opportunity for you to begin to relate to your audience by letting them know how you can help them reach their goals and desires.

When visitors enter your landing page, they need to feel engaged, excited and attracted to your speech, otherwise, goodbye.

Your best friends at this time are words and action phrases that can spark or boost their motivation to learn.

Words like “discovering”, “getting” and “exploring” are bound to make them feel like they are part of the learning experience you are offering.

Since what you are selling is digital, and it is not something that the customer can see and touch, it is necessary to prove that you are a trusted authority in your segment and what you say is true.

For this, you’ll have to make use of social proofs, that is, testimonials and evaluations of people who have already tried your product.

How to get more Reviews to sell Online Courses

You can get this content through multiple channels, such as emails, tweets, posts, comments on social networks, etc.

Whenever a customer speaks positively about your courses, you definitely want to add that comment to your sales page.

2. Follow the step by step of professional writing

Using copywriting to attract more potential clients and sell online courses is undoubtedly a challenging task.

Many people find it difficult to write a message when it comes to promoting a product or service.

However, this assignment may be easier if you follow the three phases of writing: Pre-Writing, In-Writing and Post-Writing.

Before writing your sales text, you should practice and improve your writing skills. The pre-writing phase involves the following steps:

Finally, focus on a key idea and make your proposal focused on meeting the needs of your readers.

Gathering information about your audience and understanding their tastes and preferences is important to help you create content that retains customer attention.

– Learn what their personas seek and attract leads

The second phase deals with some of the text-building elements that you need to take into account when writing.

And for last but not least, have fun!

Strict, serious writing creates an unnecessary distance between you and your audience.

The best thing you can do is to avoid boring text, so try to enjoy and have fun with what you are doing and channel it into your copywriting.

When you finish your copywriting with focus on selling online courses, you will need to go back to the beginning, review and re-evaluate your work.

More specifically, you should do the following:

Now, with a killer text ready, you’re one big step closer to sell online courses and profiting by doing what you like.

With a well-planned and aligned strategy, you’ll soon have your first students.

5 tips to attract students

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