
Checklist to Create Online Course: Development Guide

To create an online course that works, you need to follow a planning of what needs to be done.

It is common for beginner instructors to get lost during the development phases, which is why we created this checklist to serve as a guide during the process.

Create online course: development checklist

With the distance learning market in full expansion, the number of professionals interested in creating online course increases every day.

After all, this is not just the chance to get extra income, but it is also an opportunity to have your own business.

With the advancement of technology new forms of work have been emerging, and many people are looking for options that generate greater autonomy and satisfaction.

How to set up an online business

Nowadays it is difficult to find someone who does not have a computer with internet access at home and, with only this, anyone can teach what they know best, transmitting it in a simple and interesting way, be it by means of video, audio or text.

At the same time, people of all ages and who work in the most diverse areas seek knowledge, either to learn something new or to increase their specialization.

Therefore, creating online course is not only fashionable, but remains the future. A future that promises good fruit to those who dedicate themselves to it.

Here in we have several success cases that prove everything that was said and, with our own expertise in the matter, we’ve prepared this checklist, which provides a roadmap for the planning and development of a quality online course.

Step by Step to Create Online Courses

Our intention is that this document serves as a guide for the professional who is starting their course, helping you to successfully complete all the steps that are part of the process.

Then, study the step by step to follow, answer every question and get to work!

1 – Information about the online course

Characteristics of your potential customers, such as age, profile, tastes, etc.

Tell who will be the teacher responsible for the course, his/her curriculum, experiences and, preferably, upload a photo, this gives the student greater confidence. If there is more than one teacher, give the same information about all of them.

Summarize what will be covered and what the student will learn.

Minimum and maximum time indicated for the student to complete the learning.

Although this is essential information about the course, it is likely that you will only be able to price it at the end of development, when you have a clear idea of ​​costs.

3 Ways to Validate Your Idea Before Creating Online Courses

2 – How the online course will work

Videos, PowerPoint presentations, text documents, live classes, etc.

Modules, independent courses, etc.

Specify whether to take a step-by-step approach, whether the student can take more than one module at a time, or whether he can choose which one to begin with.

Specify whether teaching materials will all be delivered at the beginning of the online course or whether there will be updates and new materials in the long time.

Inform all the means that you make available for this interaction, such as chats, forums, social networks, e-mail, video conferencing, telephone, etc.

If there are specific times when the instructor will be available for live chats with the students or if there are other means by which the student can contact the teacher, specify the times and days indicated for this interaction.

Inform if there are any prerequisites for the student to be able to take the online course.

Tests, quizzes, reports, etc.

How to create a certificate for online courses

3 – Duration and development of the online course

Important to leave this information clear in the course description.

If the online course is divided into stages, specify the minimum and maximum time (if any) for each phase to be complete.

If the course is divided into modules, specify whether students will have access to all at once, or they will need to complete one first to gain access to the next, and so on.

Will it be available 24 hours a day during the week? Will the live lesson material be available for consultation to anyone who can not participate?

4 – Cost of creation of the online course

Make detailed cost planning to produce each course material, such as videos, handouts, presentations, support material, assessments, etc. Do not forget to include the amount of your work time.

Specify what expenses you will have with the design of your website, blog, handouts, presentations, etc.

Study the pros and cons of each option and choose which one is best for you.

If there is more than one teacher, specify how much he/she will earn to get the job done.

Everything you need to know about eLearning platform (LMS)

5 – Online course price

Specify if there is any supporting material that the student can purchase a part.

If you have more than one online course produced.

Loyalty Marketing Strategy to be considered.

What is and why to invest in a Customer Loyalty Program

6 – Technical requirements

Specify what resources the student will need to be available to participate in the course, such as headphones, microphone, some specific software installed, etc.

Determine who is responsible for the support and maintenance of the platform on which your online course is available. It could be the development team you hired to create your website or, if it’s an online platform ready like, these services will already be included in your monthly subscription.

7 – Evaluation of the online course

It is important to submit the online course for the evaluation of a professional who works in the same area to receive feedback as to its effectiveness. Second opinions are always welcome when it comes to crafting the best material possible.

The online course should be designed to offer the best solution to the student, otherwise he will not go back to a next step and will not even refer it to a friend. Plan your course to be as effective and attractive as possible.

Important to make this assessment to see how you can improve your online course and make it stand out amid the competition. This observation may also help to make a list of advantages that serve as an argument for sales.

Hosting platform for online course

Course ready and price set, it’s time to put it online and for this you will need a eLearning platform, also called Learning Management System.

Whats is a Learning Management System

A LMS, as its name implies, is basically a SaaS (software as a service) that functions as an online classroom.

Through this platform, instructors can make their courses and classes available online.

In addition, a LMS has several features that your business will need, such as integration with other content platforms and ways to get paid online.

Learn how to sell online courses

More comprehensive learning software, such as, also offers more advanced features such as:

Present in more than 60 countries, is the perfect solution for you to start your own business without having to invest anything for it.

To learn more, visit our website, test the platform and understand why we are the best option for your online course.