
How to create online courses for teachers and school leaders

Teachers and other professionals who work with education also need to continue their studies and improve in what they do, so the search for online courses for teachers is very high nowadays.

If you work in the area and want to dive into this market, check out the tips we have prepared for you.

7 Steps To Create Online Courses For Teachers And School Leaders

It’s fundamental that a school has good leadership as it directly impacts the institution’s overall success and performance. Moreover, teacher and school leaders can also determine the learning outcomes of their students

To expound further, a school’s leadership can be vital in assessing whether there’ll be a conducive environment for teaching and learning or not. 

It can also affect the motivation of all the stakeholders at school. It’s, therefore, best that the individuals in leadership positions know their roles and gain the necessary knowledge and expertise to stir the team of educators in the right direction, allowing them to create and foster a positive learning environment

However, since most of these people are already working, they may have limited time to attend a physical school to receive training. And this is where technology comes in handy.  

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Online courses like those provided on platforms such as Kathleen Jasper’s website are a great way to facilitate their learning. 

Also, any expert on this field can step in as well and start creating online courses for teachers and school leadership. 

Here are a step to step on how to do this: 

1. Identify Your Audience, Their Goals, And A Suitable Subject Matter 

Before you start creating any content, the first thing you need to prioritize is to identify your audience. In this case, teachers and anyone in school management form part of your target audience. 

Also, anyone anticipating participating in any school leadership role in the future can become part of your student attendees

Once you’ve established to whom your content will be going, you’d also want to identify the goals they have and why they’re taking online courses for teachers. Examples include: 

Also, anyone undertaking online courses for teachers and school leadership can give you better insights, which can allow you to create the proper subject matter for your course. 

Do research to find out what most people in leadership ask for advice and create topics out of that. 

These approaches can be an excellent way to identify a need or niche and develop possible solutions for it. 

Create an Online Course: Step-by-Step to Choosing a Topic

2. Test Your Audience’s Acceptance Of Some Topics 

Sometimes you may feel like you’re doing a great job with the course and content you’re creating, but that may not be the audience’s perception. Hence, it’s a critical step to confirm if the topics you’re working on are beneficial for your target audience and if you’re progressing well.

One of the approaches to this is creating short content and posting it on your social media pages. Depending on the audience’s reception, reaction, and comments, you’ll be able to more or less ascertain if that’s a topic you want to continue exploring or not. Some can even give you better ideas on presenting your content more engagingly.

Another way to do it is to create a page for the course you’re developing using a landing page builder. 

Though you’ve not yet finished creating the entire online course, you at least have an idea of what it will entail. 

You can write a description informing your audience about what they can expect, from video tutorials to reading materials on teacher and school leadership.

While doing that, ensure that you’re using captivating images related to the subject of your online course. 

You can call your target audience to sign up or pre-purchase the course before you’ve uploaded it. 

The overall response can give you a general idea of what to expect in the future, and you’ll learn better ways to improve the content you create and market your online courses for teachers.

5 Steps to Pre-Launch Online Courses

3. Do Thorough Research 

Based on the feedback and insights you’ve gotten from your potential students, there’s a high likelihood that you’ve gained a better vision for your online course content. This can serve as your guide as you further develop the topics in mind.

Much like any course program, in-depth research will be the core foundation of your online courses for teachers. 

Take the time to explore and learn what there is to know about the topics you’re planning to do. 

Browse articles, books and other studies to beef up your understanding of the topic. That way, you’ll be able to impart your knowledge to your audience more clearly and concisely. 

4. Create A Detailed Course Outline 

After you’ve completed the above steps, start developing an outline that can give you and your course attendees a gist of what the program will be like. 

As the online course creator, this detailed list can be your guide as you develop your course syllabus. 

To do this, begin by jotting down all the main topics in a logical order and their sub-categories. It would be best to ensure that the ideas flow from one lesson to another for easy understanding of your students. 

Some of the things to include in your teacher and leadership course outline includes: 

Here are sample topics that you can include:

These and many other topics can be part of your online courses for teachers. But when designing your course outline, make sure that all the topics listed are really informative and relevant to your target audience.

5. Develop The Course Content 

With the course outline and extensive research you’ve done, you can begin creating quality content for your online course attendees. 

If you’re writing reading materials, it’s time to put all the ideas together in a logical form, edit, and then have complete topics with the headings and subheadings.

Ensure that you explain each concept concisely and cover everything so your course attendees won’t have to google anything after using your online course’s reading materials. 

Furthermore, it would also help if you could provide concrete and relatable examples. That way, course attendees can better understand when and how to apply what they’ve learned from your online course rather than giving them abstract materials to work with.

There’s also the option for other types of content like video tutorials, slides, and audio recordings. 

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If you know how to produce such types of media, you can utilize this skill to explain your ideas to your audience better. 

You can also seek the help of professionals if you’re unsure where or how to begin and to ensure quality output.

Aside from designing learning materials, don’t forget to create assignments and quizzes that your students will take during their learning. 

Moreover, highlight that your students will receive a certificate after they’ve completed your online courses for teachers, as this can help increase their motivation.

6. Upload Your Course On a Learning Platform 

After creating your course content, the next step is choosing the platform where you want to upload it. 

If you already have a website, you can create a section for the program there.

However, it would be better to have a website that focuses primarily on your online courses for teachers, and has tools to facilitate online learning.

If you don’t know how to create a website, you can hire a professional web developer and build one from scratch, but this could be expensive and time consuming. 

Another option is to use a SaaS eLearning platform, like With this option, you only have to pay a small fee to use a complete Learning Management System, with all the features you and your students may need.

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7. Put A Price And Market Your Course 

To promote your online courses for teachers and gain more attendees, invest in marketing strategies. But first you need to decide how much and how it will be sold.

Depending on your goals, you can try some of these options to gain profit from selling your online course:

How to sell online courses

Host Your Online Courses for Teachers in The Right Platform And Sell More

Creating compelling and relevant courses takes time and effort, but once published, they bring continuous results.

With the insights outlined above, hopefully, you can be guided on how to produce quality content that can provide value to your target audience.

Complete e-Learning platform (LMS), is the ideal solution for those who want to create, sell and promote courses on the internet.

Whats is a Learning Management System

This means that you do not need to invest in building your own website. The is ready for you to enter your course and create a fully customized page for your business.

We have three plan options for you to decide which one best suits your needs.

To know more, visit our website, test the platform and start selling online courses right now.