Learn how to record videos at home

How to record videos at home is one of the main doubts of those who are thinking about creating online courses and want to develop good material without having to hire help. So we’ve put together some tips in this handy guide that will help you record quality videos at home. How to record videos …

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How to use Video Marketing to sell online courses

Video marketing is another feature of the arsenal of tools that you can use to sell courses online, but, let’s be fair, this is “The” feature. If you are remotely aware of the way people consume content on the internet today, you already know that videos are the big favorites of the moment.  Not sure? …

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To do list to create online courses

How to start to create online courses leaves many people confused, therefore, nothing better than to follow a to-do list to gain more confidence. Simple guide to create online courses Not everyone has the same needs when they are just getting started to create online courses. Some people know exactly what will be the topic …

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Customer Journey Map: How to use this tool to sell more

In order to attract consumer attention in an information-saturated scenario, a user-centric tool has been developed: the Customer Journey Map. What is the Customer Journey Map ? The Customer Journey Map is a visual representation of the user’s journey, that is, the history of their relationship with the company, service, product or brand throughout the …

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How to attract students for your online course

Create strategies to attract students it is necessary for the survival and growth of your business. To sell your online course you need to stand out among the competition and convince your audience of your product quality. ELearning Market Trends  Long considered an inferior option to traditional classroom teaching, online learning shows its validity and …

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How to turn your work into an online business

The world is increasingly digital, it is no secret. With much of the population opting for do everything online, like shopping, pay bills, work and study, it is no wonder that professionals are looking for a way to turn their work into an online business. Online business: how turn your work into an online enterprise …

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Black Friday Coursify.me – Big discounts to create online courses

The Black Friday is coming and if we’re talking about lower prices, let’s lower prices for real! Black Friday Coursify.me is your chance to have your own business The Black Friday Coursify.me is your chance to profit without investing anything. From Thursday to Sunday (11/26), new customers will win a super discount on tuition fee …

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Online courses in the curriculum: what the market thinks about it

The eLearning market in Brazil and in the world is growing every year, showing that more and more educational institutions, companies and people are looking for a more flexible and affordable method of education. However, one question keeps coming up: online courses in the curriculum are well accepted? 5 reviews of recruiters on online courses …

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Persuasion techniques to sell online courses

Sell online courses, as well as any other service, is a task that requires knowledge of the market, target audience and techniques of promotion and sales. Sell goes far beyond just announce something, it is necessary that the product offered to stand in the midst of competition and that the customer is convinced to buy …

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Create Online Courses: Design and Video Editing Tips

Anyone who thinks to start creating online courses usually knows what to teach, but have difficulty when mounting the course. As the main challenges to create online courses are often the design and video editing, we interviewed a professional in the matter to explain the best way to do this. Learn how to create online …

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