Corporate Education and Online Training in Companies

Corporate Education for many is synonymous with business training. However, when we use this term we are talking about something that goes beyond employee training. Corporate Education: what it is Corporate Education consists of a training project developed by companies, which aims to “institutionalize a culture of continuous learning, providing the acquisition of new skills …

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Online assessments: 3 guidelines for developing great online tests

The growth of the eLearning market has led to increased competition and the consequent need to increasingly improve the content offered. So, in addition to excellent classes, instructors started creating online assessments more often to help students test their knowledge and also assess the effectiveness of the teaching material. For those who are new to …

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Discounts on online courses: should I apply?

Common doubt among those starting in the eLearning market, deciding whether it is worth giving discounts on online courses as a strategy to attract the consumer is a matter that should be carefully analyzed. Pros and Cons of Giving Discounts on Online Courses Offering discounts can be a powerful weapon to convert and  build customer …

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5 Steps to Writing a Great Audio Script for Online Courses

Writing an audio script for your online course videos before recording is a great way to ensure you produce quality content. With a script in hand, you avoid prolonged pauses during narration, repetition of words and possible language addictions, such as excessive interjections and slang. Reasons to write an audio script before recording videos For …

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How to drive traffic to your website without pay for it

For those who are not familiar with the term, organic traffic is the visits that your website receives spontaneously, without you having to use paid advertisements for this. While paid ads are a great way to drive traffic to your website, when you run out of budget, it’s gone. To have a consistent stream of …

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7 easy tips for you to create online courses 

Currently, creating online courses is one of the best ways to earn extra revenue. If you have a skill that others would like to learn, you can turn a hobby into a lucrative side job or a full career.  How to create online courses The eLearning market is expected to exceed $ 320 billion by …

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Start your own business: tips to new entrepreneurs 

To start your own business is probably an idea that already crossed your mind. Whether it was because you had an innovative idea or simply to own your time, this is a common will that justifies why the number of new entrepreneurs continues to grow. When starting your own business, keep in mind … The …

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What is an API and how important is it to your online business?

You have probably read or heard someone mention the term API before. It is often used by companies when talking about an application, operating system or website.  APIs are used everywhere in today’s digital world and offer tremendous benefits for users and businesses, but have you ever wondered what an API really is, or how …

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Facebook Pixel: what it is and how to use it

Advertising on Facebook is an effective form of internet marketing, however, to get maximum return and results, you need to use Facebook Pixel. Don’t you know what we’re talking about? Keep reading this article to learn more about what it is, how to create one and different ways to use a pixel to improve conversions …

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Google Analytics: how to use to improve your business 

Google Analytics is a free tool that you can use to track information about the way visitors interact with your website.  From marketing campaign optimization to budget allocation, let’s take a look at how Google Analytics can benefit your company. Benefits that Google Analytics offers for your business Google Analytics is a web-based platform that …

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