How to make a satisfaction survey for online courses

Conducting a satisfaction survey is an advantageous practice for companies and consumers. This action helps to establish a channel of dialogue with the public, which starts to feel more valued, and enables the company to offer a more assertive service, developed according to the needs and preferences of the consumer. Benefits of applying a satisfaction …

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How online education can support classroom education

Walls are falling for elementary and high schools. Although classroom learning remains essential for student success, online education is beginning to show its importance and gain space. Current scenario of online education in schools The crisis generated by COVID-19, which caused the closure of schools and put the world in quarantine, launched a new look …

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Webinar: How to use it to sell online courses 

Webinar, have you heard of it? Among the various technological tools available to those who create online courses, this certainly deserves to be highlighted. Webinar: what it is A webinar is an online video seminar, which can be recorded or broadcast live.  Currently, the main Webinar platforms are Youtube Live, Google Hangouts, WebinarJam and GoToWebinar. …

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To do list to create online courses

How to start to create online courses leaves many people confused, therefore, nothing better than to follow a to-do list to gain more confidence. Simple guide to create online courses Not everyone has the same needs when they are just getting started to create online courses. Some people know exactly what will be the topic …

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How to retain customers for your online courses

Retain customers and ensure a stable student base for your online course is ideal to have more peace of mind and guarantee a recurring income. Why retain customers is better than acquiring new ones? Although the focus of a company always seems to be on winning new customers, the truth is that keeping the current …

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Online courses in the curriculum: what the market thinks about it

The eLearning market in Brazil and in the world is growing every year, showing that more and more educational institutions, companies and people are looking for a more flexible and affordable method of education. However, one question keeps coming up: online courses in the curriculum are well accepted? 5 reviews of recruiters on online courses …

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Persuasion techniques to sell online courses

Sell online courses, as well as any other service, is a task that requires knowledge of the market, target audience and techniques of promotion and sales. Sell goes far beyond just announce something, it is necessary that the product offered to stand in the midst of competition and that the customer is convinced to buy …

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Create Online Courses: Design and Video Editing Tips

Anyone who thinks to start creating online courses usually knows what to teach, but have difficulty when mounting the course. As the main challenges to create online courses are often the design and video editing, we interviewed a professional in the matter to explain the best way to do this. Learn how to create online …

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ELearning platform, the is now free!

That’s right, you didn’t read wrong, the, an eLearning platform, now it’s free. What does this mean? It means that you have a platform for hosting online courses (LMS) ready, with all the features you need to host and launch your online course, at your disposal for free! ELearning platform: why use The …

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