
How to generate leads for your online course

The main purpose of Digital Marketing is to generate leads for your company, that is, to attract potential customers through your online channels.

What is leads generation?

Lead generation is the process of collecting contact information from potential customers and obtaining permission to contact them with offers and updates from your company.

Because email marketing is a very effective way to create a relationship with the consumer and promote online sales, companies and professionals put a lot of effort into getting email addresses.

How to use MailChimp

But one mistake many people still make is trying to make that capture only with a contact form on the main page of your site when there are many other strategies to convert visitors into leads.

Lead Generation Techniques

As we have mentioned, email marketing is the best way to optimize your online sales.

For this reason, lead capture usually involves collecting the potential customer’s email address.

Now, would you pass your email on to someone for nothing? Probably not. That is why your company should always offer something valuable in return.

This “something of value” is known as a lead magnet.

Your lead magnet can be a free e-book, a course, a checklist, or other resource that your target audience is looking for.

Once the user has given you their email address, you can continue to develop your relationship by sending other content of interest to them until they make a purchase and become a customer.

It has been proven that this strategy focused on delivering something of value works over and over again, which is why it is the basis of most lead generation ideas.

Check out ten ways to capture leads and understand how lead magnets can be implemented on your site and other online channels.

  1. Blog

You may have heard that the best strategy of Inbound Marketing is to produce content regularly for your blog.

How to use Inbound Marketing

Postingwell-elaborated texts with focus on SEO rules helps your website gain relevancy and achieve better search engine positioning.

In addition, by providing informative and educational content, with topics related to your business and therefore of interest to your target audience, you create authority and gain the trust of your subscribers, an important step in converting them into buyers.

The biggest advantage of having a blog is that itallows you to convert unique visitors to recurring users, especially if they subscribe to your newsletter.

Another way to use blogs for capturing leads is through Guest Post, which is nothing more than inviting another expert to write a text for your blog.  And this works for both sides, you can write an article for his site as well.

The great advantage of this strategy is to get more exposure for your business and at the same time make link building, another SEO technique.

Remember that your primary goal is to add value to the site to which you are contributing. 

– SEO and Copywriting Techniques for Online Sales

  1. Videos

Not everyone learns by reading. Some find it easier to understand information through visual and audible features. By creating a promotional video, you can quickly instruct your visitors about your product or service.

Videos also allow you to take advantage of third-party platforms like YouTube (the second largest search engine in the world) and Facebook, which is ready to give extra reach to your video in your news feed.

– How to record videos at home

To turn a video into a lead magnet, use a hosting platform that captures email addresses.

Do not forget to also send to those who are already your subscriber, making them advance in the sales funnel.  

  1. Webinar

How about making a real-time presentation to customers anywhere in the world? With a Webinar, you can.

The webinar is an online seminar that facilitates communication between company and consumer and has a great acceptance by the audience.

This feature provides an effective way to share a tutorial, presentation, or interview with a specialist – valuable content that is worth exchanging for an email address.

Once they learn about your business through an online seminar, potential customers may be more prepared and willing to buy.

So after completing your presentation and go to the Q&A time with your viewers, be sure to leave the slide that shows the link to your sales page on the screen.

5 tips for selling courses with Webinar

Some people will decide to buy your product during this chat, so make sure they know exactly where to go and what to do.

  1. Newsletter

Unlike email marketing, a newsletter focus is to share information with the user, news related to the company segment.

Step by step to create a Newsletter

Another effective Inbound Marketing strategy, the newsletter does not try to sell, but rather instruct the reader.

To further optimize this lead generation technique, you can provide the option of sharing content to attract new subscribers.

This can be done through a call-to-action or a simple phrase, such as: “Do you want your friends to know about these changes in the law? If yes, click here”.

Or even a text and a button, like: “Click the button below to share this information”.

  1. SlideShare

SlideShare is the most popular presentation sharing site that currently exists.

Through the platform, content you publish can be viewed and shared by anyone, which in addition to increasing your visibility, helps to generate traffic to your site.

Because presentations generate great shareable content, a well-designed SlideShare has the potential to become viral.

Also, if a presentation is widely accessed, it gains prominence on the home page, which dramatically increases the visibility of the professional or company that produced the content.

To assist in capturing leads, SlideShare also has premium tools that allow you to enter email forms within your presentation.

Tip: You can include the “Send”, “Recommend”, “Tweet”, and “Pin it” buttons which help a lot to viralize the content.

  1. Quiz

A good quiz is irresistible. When asking attractive and thought-provoking questions, people can not avoid but click until they reach their results.

That’s why a quiz is also an effective leads magnet since, in addition to interacting with your site, participants must enter an email address to see the result.

Questionnaires are not only fun, they can also be educational for you and your potential customers as they help both parties know if your company is the right choice.

Responses can even help your sales team by providing valuable leads qualification information without having to inquire the customer directly.

There are many free applications on the internet to create quizzes, and most come with the function of incorporating them into websites and social networks.

10 free softwares to create online quizzes

  1. Influencers

The best way to get free and long-range promotion is to offer your product/service free of charge to influencers who are related with your area.

Of course delivering your product for free may cost you a few $$, but think of it as an advertising cost.

Find bloggers and influencers, get in touch with them and offer them a free license.

In the case of, for example, we already invite Reinaldo Silotto, technology and programming expert and owner of the TekZoom channel, to talk about the platform. has granted a license to use all platform features and in return the Youtuber has talked about its use and advantages to its audience.

Using this lead generation strategy you leverage the influencer’s audience and still gain a positive and “weighing” review on your product/service.

You can use cold email software to reach out to these influencers in your niche and see if they’d be interested in a partnership.

  1. Affiliate Program

Want the marketing power of a sales team without actually hiring salespeople? Then you need an affiliate program.

Affiliate programs are an easy way to recruit partners to help publicize and increase sales of your business.

5 Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Affiliate programs are premised on offering a percentage of the sale value to people interested in promoting your product. With this strategy you can start gaining promoters for your brand around the world.

  1. Exit-Intent Popups

Did you know that more than 70% of the visitors who leave your site will never return? This means that more than 90% of your marketing spend will be wasted.

For one last attempt to reverse this situation, there are Exit Intent Pop-up, pop-up plugins that monitor the user’s intention to exit.

These apps track visitor behavior and display a pop-up window to capture leads as it sketches the intention to leave the site.

To do this, the software analyzes points such as time spent on the page and the movement of the cursor.

When you add an exit intent pop-up, you’ll try one last card, making some offer for the user to stay on the site, or come back for a next visit.

You may, for example, offer some lead magnet content, a discount coupon, or other proposal in exchange for an email or for future use.

Scheduling this type of pop-up takes less than two minutes and can help you recover a lot of money on lost sales.

TIP: To really grab visitor’s attention, add animations to your pop-ups.

  1. Landing Page

An effective landing page is one in which you have a clear call to action. There is a purpose, a reason the visitor is on this page, and he knows what it is.

Review your landing page. How many different links are there? If possible, reduce them. The simpler and more intuitive the navigation the better.

Review your page, determine how many CTAs you have, and eliminate the lowest priority CTAs. Although you may have some different CTAs on a page, you need to know which one works best.

The only way to find out is by doing tests. Sometimes the slightest change can yield startling results.

For example, while most people encourage red buttons, your site may be better converted with a green button. The color that best converts is the one that stands out.

Another test to do is about the positioning of buttons. It is perfectly right to have a call to action at the bottom of the page, but sometimes readers may not get there.

Follow the basic principle of ABT (Always Be Testing), and you will continue to see improvements.

– How to create a sales page

Capturing leads for online courses

All of these strategies can and should be used to capture leads for your online course.

Lead magnets serve as a bridge between attracting and converting them into customers. These techniques create the opportunity for you to introduce yourself to your prospects and discover the kind of information and offers that encourage them to buy.

There are still countless Digital Marketing features that you can use to advertise your business such as social networking, Youtube videos, eBooks and more.

Digital marketing to promote online courses

With a little organization and a focused strategy, in a short time you will be attracting potential leads and getting your first students.

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