Mobile learning: how to create mobile friendly courses

Concept that is gaining popularity, mobile learning  is a broad term that refers to the process of learning via the internet using personal mobile devices. With the popularization of the use of smartphones, it is necessary to make learning mobile so as not to lose students. Advantages of creating mobile learning courses  There is a …

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Podcast as a marketing tool: why and how to use it

For those who are not yet familiar with the term, podcast is an audio file made for the purpose of commenting and discussing a topic.  Simple and inexpensive to produce, the podcast gained fame through websites that started using the tool as a medium to talk about subjects of interest, being widely used today as …

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Screen Recorder: which is the best to create online courses

Screen Recorder is a software that allows you to capture and share videos from your computer screen. Resource commonly used to create tutorial videos, learn about the advantages and what are the best screen recorders currently on the market. Why use video in eLearning Videos are quickly becoming the most widely used tool for transmitting …

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Tips to make editing video lessons easier

Ways to produce a good online course abound. There are countless resources that can be used, such as slides, pdf, ebooks, audios and what is usually the preference of the public, video lessons. 10 tips for producing quality video lessons The possibility of seeing and listening to the teacher, gives the class a more dynamic …

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Learn how to record videos at home

How to record videos at home is one of the main doubts of those who are thinking about creating online courses and want to develop good material without having to hire help. So we’ve put together some tips in this handy guide that will help you record quality videos at home. How to record videos …

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Why and how to promote your business on YouTube

Currently YouTube, when well used, is a real paradise for business growth, where you get consistent flow of traffic, leads and sales. If your business is not leveraging this channel as one of the tools in its marketing arsenal, you are missing out on opportunities. Why is YouTube so important? Most companies, when it comes …

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Frequently Asked Questions About SaaS 

Software as a Service or SaaS is already a technology known and used by many companies. But while for some people talking about SaaS is as common as talking about “cloud” on the internet, for others it still raises some questions. 7 Frequently Asked Questions About SaaS Software as a service is nothing more than …

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How to do keyword research for SEO

As Google constantly updates its search algorithms and companies strive to track and maintain a good position in search results, one thing remains consistent for professionals looking to optimize their sites: the need to do keyword research. What is keyword research and why is it important? Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing …

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