Tag Archive For "coursify.me"
How to create online courses: Case Escola de Código
For anyone who is in doubt about create online courses, nothing better than hearing about how was the experience of those who ventured on this journey. Luckily, we have a lot examples, and we invite Patrick Espake, creator of the Escola de Código, to talk a little about why he decided to create online courses …
ELearning platform, the Coursify.me is now free!
That’s right, you didn’t read wrong, the Coursify.me, an eLearning platform, now it’s free. What does this mean? It means that you have a platform for hosting online courses (LMS) ready, with all the features you need to host and launch your online course, at your disposal for free! ELearning platform: why use Coursify.me The …
Know the new features of Coursify.me
E-learning platform, the Coursify.me had its beta version officially launched in June 2016. With a few months of operation, has released the first package of updates and new software features, according to the needs and requests of our customers. Now, with our user base growing every day, the Coursify.me launches its second package of updates, …
How to use LinkedIn as a professional tool
Known, but still little explored by many, LinkedIn is a business social network that, as its name suggests, it is great for business. More than a simple social networking, LinkedIn is a corporate channel used by many companies and professionals of all kind of business and can be a valuable tool for personal marketing. How …