Tag Archive For "e-learning platform"
Video Hosting Platform: Know What are the Best Websites for Your Business
The days of being shy in front of the camera are over. Currently, to advertise your business you need to know about two things: production and video hosting platform. Why are videos important? Videos are everywhere. In social networks, websites, blogs, it is basically impossible to browse the internet and not see a variety of …
Recurring revenue: why this is a good idea for online courses
A common doubt for most people who are starting their own business, is how to charge for their services. Many professionals who are launching online courses simply don’t know how to create a business model that generates recurring revenue, which they can count on every month. It’s at this point that is worth looking at …
SEO for beginners: a guide for digital entrepreneurs
Fundamental for those who have an online business and want to gain visibility in search results, check out this guide SEO for beginners that we have prepared to help you navigate the digital world. Seo for beginners: what is Search Engine Optimization and why it is important SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of …
Coursify.me Updates – May 2020
Updates are good and everyone likes it, including us here at Coursify.me. So it is with great pleasure that we came through this blog post, to announce and talk a little about our latest news. These are functionalities whose main objective is to serve our users in the best way, enabling them to create better …
How to Sell Online Courses on YouTube
If you are in the eLearning market, selling your online courses on YouTube is an idea that has probably crossed your mind. After all, YouTube is a very popular channel. But that’s exactly why things are not that simple. Selling Online Courses on YouTube is a good idea? Many people think that selling online courses …
Video lessons: how to use videos in your online course
If you are preparing an online course, it is likely that you have included or, at least considered the idea, of including video lessons in your material. In today’s world, where more than 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, this is certainly a good idea. Tips for using video lessons in …
5 types of online courses you can create
The online courses market is experiencing a phase of rapid growth, due to the new coronavirus pandemic and the social isolation measures adopted to prevent contagion. In addition to speeding up the digital transformation in many schools, this period of crisis has led professionals from the most diverse areas to seek distance education as a …
Live online classes: advantages of live streaming your classes
One of the biggest advantages that the Internet has brought is the possibility of receiving information about all kinds of events in real time. Nowadays, with the help of smartphones anyone can create a video and publish in the virtual world, sharing live news with the rest of the world. The same goes for online …
Learn how to transform your face-to-face classes into online classes
With the growth of the eLearning market, countless people saw the opportunity to start a new business by transforming knowledge into online classes. The rise of distance learning has not gone unnoticed by classroom teachers and, especially now, with the crisis of the new coronavirus, having the content of classes in digital format has become …
How online education can support classroom education
Walls are falling for elementary and high schools. Although classroom learning remains essential for student success, online education is beginning to show its importance and gain space. Current scenario of online education in schools The crisis generated by COVID-19, which caused the closure of schools and put the world in quarantine, launched a new look …