Personal Marketing on the Internet

In a world where the personal relations occur more and more in the virtual plan, to structure a good project of online personal marketing becomes a necessary action to conquer success in the corporative and business world. The internet became a channel to access the professional and personal life of everybody and is there that …

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Myths and Truths about online education

Despite distance learning and online courses are no longer news; this kind of education still generates a lot of discussion about its effective. Even with it undeniable accessibility and convenience for the student, many still raise doubts about the worth of this innovative learning method. Classroom education and online education Classroom education is the traditional …

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Virtual community as marketing strategy

A good relationship with the public is the wish and path to success of every company or business. The several social networks that exist nowadays make this relation easier and prove that people like to share their opinions and be heard. This communication is considered important not only by the public, but for many companies …

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How to create online quizzes

In any classroom using varied resources to teach the subject is always welcome by the students. Engage teachers already learn to let the old blackboard at the side a little and use more dynamic techniques to gain the interest and attention from the student. And that does apply to the world of eLearning as well. …

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Tips to target audience for your eLearning business

In this article we will talk about some methods to help you to announce your online business and target audience, standing out among the competition and reaching success.   Marketing strategies for promote your business Your online course is ready and it’s good, very good. You are a great professional, highly qualified and offer differentiated, …

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