6 Reasons why companies should invest in eLearning 

Elearning in business is a growing trend nowadays. Thanks to the Internet and new technologies, companies in all segments achieve great results, reducing costs and improving the performance of their training programs. Undoubtedly, the pandemic had a driving role in this scenario, doubling the number of workers who sought online courses as a way to …

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7 features that a good LMS offers for companies and professionals

Having a corporate LMS (Learning Management System) may seem like a tempting idea, but at the same time quite complex. A fact that many entrepreneurs are unaware of, is that the technology to have a teaching platform personalized already exists, is easily accessible, complete and requires low investment cost. Functions and benefits of an LMS …

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10 Strategies to Promote and Market Your Podcast 

Thinking of starting a podcast? In this post we’ll show you why this can be a great channel to add to your marketing campaigns and generate revenue for your business. Why start a podcast? According to recent data, there are around 1 million active podcasts in the world, available in multiple channels and languages. A …

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Corporate Education and Online Training in Companies

Corporate Education for many is synonymous with business training. However, when we use this term we are talking about something that goes beyond employee training. Corporate Education: what it is Corporate Education consists of a training project developed by companies, which aims to “institutionalize a culture of continuous learning, providing the acquisition of new skills …

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Online assessments: 3 guidelines for developing great online tests

The growth of the eLearning market has led to increased competition and the consequent need to increasingly improve the content offered. So, in addition to excellent classes, instructors started creating online assessments more often to help students test their knowledge and also assess the effectiveness of the teaching material. For those who are new to …

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How to set up a home studio to record videos

If you often record videos for your online courses, or to promote your business, setting up a home studio can save you a lot of time and effort. With the right tips and little equipment, you can get great results.  Recording Videos: How to Set Up a Home Studio To record videos, before you start, …

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Discounts on online courses: should I apply?

Common doubt among those starting in the eLearning market, deciding whether it is worth giving discounts on online courses as a strategy to attract the consumer is a matter that should be carefully analyzed. Pros and Cons of Giving Discounts on Online Courses Offering discounts can be a powerful weapon to convert and  build customer …

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5 Steps to Writing a Great Audio Script for Online Courses

Writing an audio script for your online course videos before recording is a great way to ensure you produce quality content. With a script in hand, you avoid prolonged pauses during narration, repetition of words and possible language addictions, such as excessive interjections and slang. Reasons to write an audio script before recording videos For …

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Sales funnel: what is and how to create one for your business

One of the fundamental concepts of digital marketing is the sales funnel. Although it may sound strange, this strategic model is so effective that many professionals built careers on implementing this unique concept in the business world. What is a Sales Funnel A sales funnel is the visual representation of the customer journey, describing from …

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