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How to Offer Online Coaching Courses to your Clients

With the popularization of distance learning, professionals from different areas have adopted this method of teaching as a way to expand their reach and get more clients.

Among the fields that show the best results, online coaching courses are between the most sought after, and there are plenty of reasons for that.

 How to Offer Online Coaching Courses to your Clients

Online Coaching Courses: Why It’s a Good Career Idea

Coaching is a form of development in which the professional called Coach helps a student or client achieve a specific personal or professional goal by providing coaching and mentoring.

According to the Executive Channel Journal, over 40% of American executives have gone through a coaching process.

In the United Kingdom, a Bristol University survey shows that 88% of state-owned enterprises make use of this service.

The benefits of coaching for companies are already well known in Europe and the United States, where organizations often use this type of coaching to boost their team’s performance.

Corporate Education in Companies

Outside the corporate world, coaching is highly sought by people who desire vocational guidance, or achieve more success in their professional and personal lives.

Professionals who work with this methodology of development, apply various techniques, which requires a lot of time and attention in each case.

Thus, many end up with the full schedule and unable to meet more people as they would like.

The truth is, as your business grows, your flow of customer requests increases, and eventually you find you have more potential customers than hours in a day.

To diversify your business before this happens, creating online coaching courses is a good option to help the most people without having to multiply yourself.

How about Starting with a Mini-Course?

If you don’t have experience with e-courses, you can start by creating a free mini-course to test your skills and audience reception.

Step by Step to Create Online Courses

Start with a presentation, a broader theme, a sample of your services and how it can help people.

The advantage of this type of material is to draw the attention of a variety of people: from those who still feel lost and do not know what to do, to beginner entrepreneurs and experienced professionals who want to perfect their leadership skills, for example.

With this mini-course, you’ll be able to increase your mailing, setting the stage for the launch of more advanced online coaching courses.

How to Generate Leads

Tip: To pass credibility and attract more leads, use an elearning platform to deliver a great online learning experience. Take advantage of and show successful cases and customer testimonials on the page of your course.

Advantages of Selling Online Coaching Courses

We have mentioned before the possibility of reaching more people and do not need to move as two good reasons for you to create online coaching courses, but if it is still not enough, check out other advantages below:

  • Flexibility: Online courses mean flexibility for both the teacher and the student. Once content is created, you and your customers can access it at any time and location. This makes it easy for you to answer questions and make updates quickly and easily whenever you feel it is necessary.
  • Marketing: You can make your mini-course a rich material to capture more leads, or even use it to generate content for your social networks. Whenever you are recording a lesson, separate a few minutes to record a presentation and course summary. This not only helps with promotion as it generates qualified content for your online channels.

7 Ways to Increase Your Authority in Social Networks

  • Incentive: For those who already have a client portfolio or are prospecting new ones, offering online coaching courses as an extra or supportive material serves as a great incentive, a bonus, for face-to-face service. You can create some special classes for those who are already clients, as a way to improve teaching and remember what was learned.
  • Reach: The day has a limit of hours and an office has a limit of space. Distance Learning courses, however, are hosted in endless classrooms, with the capacity to receive hundreds of students at a time, without giving up the quality of teaching. Are you busy with your schedule? Enroll your next customers in your virtual classroom.  
  • Income: If you double your number of customers, you double your profit. Online coaching courses are the perfect solution to profit even during the hours you spend sleeping. Take some time to create them, host them on an elearning platform, promote and then leave them there, making money while you engage in other activities.

How to Make Money

  • Stability: Online courses mean recurring income, which in turn means stability, especially if you are self-employed. For anyone who is only dedicated to “selling packages,” any time away from your business means a loss of potential income. On the other hand, if you decide to take a month off to make the trip of your dreams, you will continue to make money from your online course.

Benefits of Recurring Payment

  • Inclusion: Many people would like to have coaching, but not all can afford the price of this personalized consultancy. By creating online coaching courses, you can develop cheaper options so that you can make a profit and still be able to help more people.

How to Pricing Online Coaching Courses

Before we begin, let me tell you one thing: most online course teachers do not charge enough for their material.

A hundred dollars is the minimum you should charge for your most basic online course, and even then, sometimes that value is not enough.

Here’s a quick guide on how much to charge:

  • Mini-Courses: FREE (or up to $ 50)
  • Regular courses: $ 100 to $ 500
  • Advanced courses: $ 500

You can also set a goal and use the formula below to help define your price:

How to Pricing Online Coaching Courses

Establishing higher prices for advanced courses (premium product) can be intimidating, however, it is important for the following reasons:

  • Perceived value: It is common for consumers to perceive higher priced products and services as having more value.
  • Qualified audience: Cheaper courses attract students who may just be curious and will not persist over time. On the other hand, who opts for advanced online coaching courses is certainly interested and want to know more about the subject, having the potential to become a loyal customer.  
  • Fast return: If you are trying to earn $ 2,000 with your online course, it will be easier to convince four people to pay $ 500 than 40 people to pay $ 50. The lower the price of your course, the higher will be the number of customers you will need to achieve your goals.

Of course, your online coaching courses will cost less than your face-to-face and personalized service, but an advanced course will still be a premium product and should be evaluated accordingly.

How to Sell Online Courses

If the cost of a complete “coaching package” is $ 2,000, for example, for a complete online course that offers the same services (as far as possible), you can charge $ 1,000.

This is a basis to help you price your course. However, only the professional can evaluate the costs with the production of the material and results that the client will have in order to determine a fair value.

In premium products, to justify the higher price, you can offer personalized consultancy  as a differential.

Many people do not mind paying a little more to have extra help. Provide one hour of consulting online daily or weekly.

Set a time with your student and remember that the more time you are willing to spend on those extra classes, the more you can charge.

How to Offer the Best Online Coaching Courses

How to Offer the Best Online Coaching Courses

Currently many Coaches are shifting their focus to online courses simply because they love the freedom and the ability to work with more students at a time.

If you prefer to focus on distance learning courses, consider slowly raising the price of your coaching packages until you work with only a few paying clients per month or discontinue face-to-face coaching entirely.

As with any business, both the success of the coach and the student (coachee) depends on commitment.

Thus, the course being attended face-to-face or via the internet does not represent changes in the final result.

But in addition to your hard work and dedication, to provide the best teaching experience on the internet you will need an online course hosting platform, also called Learning Management System (LMS).

Whats is a Learning Management System

A LMS, as its name implies, is basically a SaaS (software as a service) that functions as an online classroom.

Through a LMS, instructors can offer their courses and online lessons.

By accessing the platform, students have access to the material and other resources that support learning, such as chats to discuss the content.

The advantages of hosting your online course in a prompt and complete elearning platform as, include:

  • Not need to invest in infrastructure, maintenance and updates;
  • Tested and approved teaching model;
  • Save time and money with system developers;
  • Ease of configuration functions and layout;
  • Specialized technical support.

Moreover, a LMS have several features that your business will need, such as integration with other content platforms and means of receiving online payment.

Ideal for those who want to sell courses online, the platform allows the receipt of payment in a single installment or recurring billing.

Present in more than 60 countries, is the perfect solution for you to start your own business without having to invest anything for it.

To learn more, visit our website, test the platform and understand why we are the best option for you.