Create a landing page to sell your online course

We are almost entering a new year, but always give time to learn a little bit more to begin 2016 with fresh knowledge and ideas renewed! Throughout the past year we dedicate ourselves to help and encourage you to create your online course, win a new source of income and realize the dream of having …

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Online Courses and Entrepreneurship

For many people, having a job with signed working papers, sign-in daily and dedicate all their time to a monotonous routine can be a genuine torture and cause an enormous dissatisfaction both professional and personal. For that reason, or for others as fear of layoffs or desire to have their own business, the number of …

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What is Dropbox

As long as the computer has become the main tool for storing documents and all sorts of information, transfer and back up digital files through devices such as external HD and DVD became known methods to ensure that no material is lost if it happens some problem with the machine. Now, there is a new …

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How to define keywords

We talk a lot here about keywords and how to use them correctly in the content of your website or blog is essential in order to increase its rate of visibility and relevance. But despite the fact that we have said a great deal about SEO techniques and the importance of keywords, remains the question: …

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Personal Marketing on the Internet

In a world where the personal relations occur more and more in the virtual plan, to structure a good project of online personal marketing becomes a necessary action to conquer success in the corporative and business world. The internet became a channel to access the professional and personal life of everybody and is there that …

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What is SlideShare?

Have you ever heard of SlideShare? Despite being a very popular name in virtual world, SlideShare usually leaves doubt about its real purpose. Strongly associated with PowerPoint, SlideShare is actually a free social network for publishing content. With this tool, the user can publish content that are in several formats like PDF, PowerPoint, videos, documents, …

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Virtual community as marketing strategy

A good relationship with the public is the wish and path to success of every company or business. The several social networks that exist nowadays make this relation easier and prove that people like to share their opinions and be heard. This communication is considered important not only by the public, but for many companies …

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How to use LinkedIn as a professional tool

Known, but still little explored by many, LinkedIn is a business social network that, as its name suggests, it is great for business. More than a simple social networking, LinkedIn is a corporate channel used by many companies and professionals of all kind of business and can be a valuable tool for personal marketing. How …

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How to create online quizzes

In any classroom using varied resources to teach the subject is always welcome by the students. Engage teachers already learn to let the old blackboard at the side a little and use more dynamic techniques to gain the interest and attention from the student. And that does apply to the world of eLearning as well. …

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Know 6 selling words

Like any course, what sells an online course is it content.  It will be bought for who have interest in its content, no secret there. You have a great photography course? Math? Programming? That’s great, there are many people interested in learn, however, there are many people interested in teach too. Keywords to promote your …

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